Read The Bible Through, March 13

Read The Bible Through, March 13

PenguinsDeuteronomy 17-19

How do you keep people from Satan before they are equipped to fight against him? That is God’s challenge in dealing with the children of Israel.

Natural man is no match for the devil when he opens the door of his heart to enemy influence. There would come a time when Jesus would pay the price for the sin of Adam and send back Holy Spirit to dwell in the hearts of those who were His. Then those people would have the power to overcome the devil. But that time wasn’t here yet.

So God can’t teach the Israelites to stand against the devil; He has to settle for keeping them out of Satan’s territory. That’s why He is so strict about opening the doors to the devil.

When the people worship other gods, they are opening themselves to Satan, without even knowing it. When they are influenced by other pagans, or when they enter into sexual perversion, or when they take on the practices of the Canaanites, they open wide their hearts to be influenced away from the one true God. So our Father, out of His love for the people, keeps them from the evil one by harshly dealing with those who violate His parameters.

They must obey. That’s the only way their lives will be saved from their adversary.

When we keep in mind what God is dealing with and what is at stake, we understand the no tolerance policy of our Father. He has to keep a group of people faithful enough to God’s principles to be able to eventually bring his perfect sacrifice, Jesus, through them.

What a job! But our God accomplishes it, just like He will accomplish the rest of His Word. We have an awesome, Holy, powerful, loving God!

Mark 13:1-20

There are many interpretations concerning the end times. There are those who think all of this happened under Nero, when the Christians were fed to the lions, the temple was destroyed, and Jerusalem burned.

Yet, obviously, everything wasn’t over then, because we are still here. Many times there are seasons of prophecy being fulfilled, as certain aspects of the prophecy come around again and again. I think that this is what is happening here.

It seems to me that it would be hard to look around and not realize that we are in the end times. I don’t know how long this phase will last, but it’s hard to imagine things getting much worse.

This is not to bring fear, but wisdom. We should be actively pursuing our relationship with God. He is our refuge and strength, regardless of what is going on around us. We should also be actively sharing His love with those close by.

God’s Word is true, and His promises will come true.

Let’s commit ourselves to a greater pursuit of His presence, His Kingdom, and His plan.

“And those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.”(Daniel 12:3)

Read The Bible Through, Feb 24

Read The Bible Through, Feb 24

White-Breasted Nuthatch-600Numbers 7, 8

Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there is your heart also.” I could’t help but think of that verse as I read about the offerings being presented from all  of the leaders. There seems to be nothing more important to them than the tabernacle and all of the ceremonies.

The fact that every leader is named, along with the detail of his offerings, shows that this is significant to God also. And that still applies today.

God’s work on earth requires funds for the ministers, the buildings, the travel, the help to the poor, the media, and all of the other aspects of ministry. Only as His people are willing to help with His work can it all be done.

It might be a time to search your heart. Where is your money going? Is the proper portion going to God and His work? Or is all of it going to yourself and your desires?

Think about it.

Mark 4:21-48

“If any man has ears, let him hear.” I wonder if there was anyone standing there who didn’t have ears. Don’t you?

I’m quite confident that He was not talking about natural ears, but spiritual. If any man has ears to hear what God is saying to them, let him hear…And take care what you listen to.

This life of faith we are called to is an exciting life, but one which needs our full attention. All around us there are voices which are trying to talk us out of our walk with God. There are those who are saying that healing isn’t for today. Or that you “shouldn’t get your hopes up too high.” Jesus is saying just the opposite.

He is calling a people to Him who believe beyond the norm. Those are the ones who will be able to take His message where He leads them. They are the ones who will stand with boldness and declare what God is saying. They are the ones who will believe God for things which seem to others to be impossible.

Are you one of those people? Are you willing to believe God even when everything around you looks gloomy? Are you willing to take what you see in His Word and truly apply it to your life, holding onto it with all of your might?

If you are willing to be one of those people, you will receive more. Whoever has, to him shall more be given.

Hold on. Believe. And you will see God’s mighty hand move beyond your expectations!


Are You A Real Christian?

Are You A Real Christian?

Are you a real Christian? That may seem like a strange question. What does an “unreal” Christian look like and who could possibly be one?

In Matthew 6:1-18, Jesus talks to the crowd about just such a thing. He said to beware of “practicing their righteousness before men to be seen of men.” Now of course, He wasn’t talking about being a true witness, or about “letting their Gospel light shine.” He was talking about being a phony.

He said that when you give, not to sound the trumpet and give in a haughty way. There are those who are big givers, but want everyone to know about it. They brag about the large sums and they ceremoniously display their generosity.

Then He said that when you pray, not to try to show off your scriptural understanding or your great ability to pray. It’s easy to understand what He is talking about here. You know how there are some who do know a lot of Word, but want to make sure that others know they know.

Finally He said that when you fast, not to put on a gloomy face and show off your spirituality by letting everyone know that you are fasting. (The same would apply when you are fasting your desires so that you could give to His causes).

What’s the big deal about letting others know what you are doing? Well Jesus knew that the real “you” is the one you are when you are alone- when no one is watching. When you want to give, pray, or fast – not because it makes you look good to others, but because it’s who you are. You want to be close to your Father God, and you want more of His operation in your life. You want to hear His voice and be obedient.

One of the problems about the “being seen of men” syndrome, is that you can actually even fool yourself by your displays. Think of the well-known ministers who have looked so magnificent to the church, and then have been exposed as phonies. I am sure that the very fact that they saw themselves displaying great spirituality even blinded them to their sin – or at least the seriousness of it. They thought of the good they were doing and excused the secret sins.

The real “you” is who you are when you are alone and no one is watching. Ultimately, as Christians, our accountability is to our Creator and no one else. He is looking at the real deal. His relationship is with the true person, not with a poser. And the success of our Christian walk depends on what is real in our lives, and not on what others think.

In fact, if “what others think of you” is predominant for you, a snare is sure to follow. One of the saddest passages in scripture to me is in John 12:42-43.

Nevertheless many even of the rulers believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they were not confessing Him,

 lest they should be put out of the synagogue;

for they loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God.

Isn’t that sad? Many who believed in Jesus helped to crucify Him because they wanted man’s approval more than God’s.

That’s what can happen to any of us in smaller ways, if we live our lives to be seen of men. We will ultimately compromise our true beliefs. We will ultimately rationalize our bad decisions. We could ultimately find ourselves denying our Lord.

So, forget what men think. In your heart of hearts, establish that secret true, passionate journey of life with your Maker. Let your giving, your prayers, and your fasting be between you and Jesus. He is the one you answer to – and He is the one who rewards your life.

If your secret life is real, then others will know it. They will see the fruit of humility, compassion, and faith that comes with that life. When you do pray or speak in an assembly, the anointing of a true believer will shine through. Your words of witness will be strong, and the Holy Spirit will work with you with signs following.

And you will be a real Christian.

Forever Upward!

Suellen Estes

A Call For Unity In The Body Of Christ, Part 3  Guest Post by Mickey Estes

A Call For Unity In The Body Of Christ, Part 3 Guest Post by Mickey Estes

In I Corinthians 12: 12-27, Paul explains a significant aspect of our Christian walk. He compares our natural body to the body of Christ.

For even as the body is one yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ.

For by one Spirit we were baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.

For the body is not one member, but many.”

Then he goes on to remind us that the foot, hand, eye, and ear are all important to our functioning in much the same way that the many parts of Christ’s body are important. Each part is different, but each part is essential. All of the parts need each other to be healthy.

In Ephesians 4:16, he gives even more insight. He says that the whole body is “fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplies, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, makes increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.” That’s a mouthful, for sure, but an important one.

If we look at the whole scripture, we see 1) each part effectually working        2) fitly joined together and compacted 3) by that which every joint supplies, and 4) making increase of the body, building up itself in love.

The joint represents the joining of the parts. The major substance comes, not from the parts, but from the joints. In Christ’s body, the substance comes, not just from us as individuals, but from the relationships when the parts come together. If we will allow ourselves to be “fitly joined together” with others of different gifts, the substance, the anointing, will begin to flow to a greater extent than we have ever seen it.

We know that this is true with our natural bodies. We also recognize this in the local church, as we appreciate the many gifts necessary to run a church. Now it’s time to take it to the next level. God is calling for us to join with other believers, of many walks and many doctrines, not compromising, but finding the common ground in Jesus Christ.

We come together in our camp and worship God in our special way. Then we find the time to join with others who worship in a different way, so that we might be fitly joined together to appropriate God’s plan for our communities. As we pray together, we will shake the heavens.

We are the body of Christ. One body; not many. Remember, the stones that you use to build the bridges that unite, will come from the walls that divide. As we humble ourselves and allow God to fitly join us together, we will see a great awakening in our nation.