Read The Bible Through, March 6

Read The Bible Through, March 6

indigoNumbers 34-36

The land gets divided. The time has almost come for entering the new territory. There must have been excitement, and there must have been fear. To enter the territory was thrilling and it was scary.

It’s interesting how much detail is put into making sure that the tribes don’t start gaining the others’ property. Marriages are to stay within the tribes so that outsiders won’t come in and inherit the land of another family.

The land of inheritance is so important to God. The land is still important to Him today. When you look around your community, think about it. (more…)

Read The Bible Through, March 6

Read The Bible Through, Mar 5

bownhead-600Numbers 31-33

Reuben and Gad settle. They settle in the land before they cross over into Canaan, and they settle for less than God’s best.

We know people like that today. Rather than stretching for all that God has, they are willing to settle. They may have an addiction that they just “live with.” Or they may spend their life in ordinary, humdrum distractions, not reaching for the best that God has.

I don’t want to “settle,” do you? I want all that God has for me. I want to fulfill my destiny in Him.

In 33:50-56, God gives Moses a charge. He is to speak to the sons of Israel to warn them of things to come. They are to leave no one alive in the new land, or they will be like “thorns in your sides.” (more…)

Read The Bible Through, March 6

Read The Bible Through, Mar 4

GB-heron-600Numbers 28-30

The Israelites are about to enter the Promised Land. Joshua has just been ordained to take over from Moses, and Eleazar has taken over Aaron’s priestly position.

Now there is a charge once again to observe the feasts and the offerings to God. They can never say they didn’t know what to do.

As you read this passage, think Jesus. All of these rituals are to point them to the reality of what Jesus will mean someday. He is the Lamb of God who will take away the sins of the world.

One more thing. When we see the emphasis on offerings, it’s important to remember that God still wants our offerings. (more…)

Read The Bible Through, Mar 3

Read The Bible Through, Mar 3

yb-chatf-600Numbers 26-27

I love Caleb! He really inspires me.

God had promised that Joshua and Caleb would be the only two of those who came out of Egypt who would inherit the Promised Land, and He fulfilled that word. The Israelites wandered around in the wilderness for forty years and finally died there. Except for Joshua and Caleb.

Joshua and Caleb had the characteristics that God is looking for. So what are they?

It seems that there are three main attributes we need to be God’s finest. They are love for Him, faith in Him, and obedience.

Hebrews 11:6 says that “without faith, it is impossible to please God.” And without faith we will never accomplish what He wants or receive what He wants us to have. It’s like faith is the currency of the Kingdom of God. When He says something, you have to believe it! (more…)

Read The Bible Through, March 2

Read The Bible Through, March 2

cardinal -male.2-600jpgThose whom God has blessed are blessed, period.

Numbers 23-25

Balaam is referred to quite a few times in other scriptures. II Peter 2:14,15 and Jude 11 mention him – and how we are not to follow his example. He is the epitome of compromise because of money and prestige.

Balak, the Moabite king, is terrified of the Israelites. (He calls them the people who came out of Egypt and are all over the land). So he approaches Balaam to put a curse on God’s people. This diviner says that he will say what God says, and God says they are blessed, and not to curse them. That should have been the end of it.

But no. Balak ups the ante. He sends more prestigious emissaries to Balaam and offers a greater reward, so Balaam goes to God again. Are you sure, God? (In other words, “I really want this money and honor”). (more…)