Read The Bible Through, March 24

Joshua 13-15

When I come across passages like this – listing the territories which God gave to His people, I can’t help but think about Acts 17:26. “God made from one, every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times, and the boundaries of their habitation.”

Today we still have certain boundaries. There are people appointed to each nation, territory, city, and family. Those people are responsible for their own habitation, but they can’t be responsible for all the others. Even in pastoring a church, my husband has the charge of praying for the people and teaching them the truth, but he can’t live their lives for them.

He can’t go into their homes and make the decisions which will affect the lives of that family. That would be overstepping his bounds. Each person is responsible for his own habitation.

In the same way, we are responsible for our civic duties as citizens of a country, but we have nothing to say about another country. We can pray for the people there, but we can’t vote, or in any way determine the culture of another country.

In thinking along these lines, though, it makes me truly aware of God’s placement of my life. I want to fulfill every purpose He has for me in the area of His choosing. I want to do everything I can to manifest God’s Kingdom around me.

Then we come to Caleb. What an inspiration he is! In 14:6-15 Caleb reminds Joshua of Moses’s promise to him 45 years before. When the spies came into the Promised Land, only Joshua and Caleb believed that God would bring them in. At the time, the entire nation had to stay in the wilderness because of their unbelief. Yet Moses promised Caleb that eventually he would have the land on which his foot had trodden – the hill country.

Caleb remembers. “I am eighty-five years old today. I am still as strong today as I was in the day Moses sent me; as my strength was then, so my strength is now, for war and for going out and coming in. Now give me this hill country …with the Anakim.”(14:10-12)

Not only does he remember, but Caleb is as strong at eighty-five as he was at forty. He is ready to take on the giants!

Caleb is my role model in that respect. I want to continue to have great strength for fulfilling God’s purpose all the days of my life. No retirement. Never “too old,” just divine strength all the days of my life.

Luke 1:57-80

All the relatives were blown away by John’s birth and its circumstances. In the first place, Elizabeth was too old to have this child … but she did. And there was this strange thing about Zacharias not being able to speak.

Yet there was even more to come. According to Jewish tradition, the child should be named for his father. So when the eighth day came – the time for the circumcision and naming of the child – all of the relatives were going to call him Zacharias. Elizabeth again shocked everyone by saying his name was John. (The name God had ordained).

Still unable to speak, Zacharias had to write his agreement, “His name is John. And they were all astonished.” (1:63)

So Zacharias regained his ability to speak and prophecy began to come forth. “God is accomplishing redemption for His people.” “Salvation from our enemies.” “to remember His Holy covenant.” And this child shall be “called the prophet of the Most High.” “Prepare the way of the Lord.” “Sunrise on High shall visit us.” “To shine upon those who sit in darkness.”

The town was abuzz with gossip and speculation. Every bit of this was out of the ordinary. Something big was going on here!

We have to remember that about 400 years had gone by without any major words from God. Things had become very quiet, and all of the prophetic words of old could have seemed to have passed away.

Yet they hadn’t. There were still a few people around who studied the Word and prayed and believed that there would be fulfillment. Yet I’m sure that even when the words were fulfilled it seemed surreal. Way out of the ordinary.

We live in a similar day. There are some who may have read the Bible in days gone by, but they don’t pay much attention any more. They may think that the Words of God will never come to fruition.

I have news for those people. Every Word of God will be fulfilled. Every one! It does us good to read and study and pray for discernment on these things.

Just as in those days, one day there will be a “suddenly.” There will be a manifestation of the things we have been praying and believing for.

There’s much excitement ahead. I want to be ready for it and in on it. Don’t you?

Read The Bible Through, March 23

Joshua 10-12

Now things get really bloody. Yet if you look beyond the history, you will see some very important lessons for us today.

We are not fighting against flesh and blood to take our land, but we are fighting. It’s just that our enemy is unseen. We are fighting against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness,and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. In other words, we are fighting Satan and his kingdom.

Now these people who fought the kings were really fighting Satan, but they weren’t prepared to know it, so they had to fight the individuals to protect their nation. Now we are able to deal with the devil and his bunch, so we are more enlightened on our mission.

My husband and I have a saying that we are going to “take the head of the king,” or “put our foot on the neck of the king.”

In chapter 10, if you look at these kings, you can see why this is important. Let’s look at their names.

1.  Adoni-zedek, which means “Lord of Righteousness.” He is a counterfeit for our true Lord. He could be the head of other religions or a spirit of religion that perverts or weakens the gospel.

2. Hoham, which means “Voice of a Multitude.” Usually if we listen to what the crowd is saying, we will not believe God.

3. Piram which means “Wild Ass.” This denotes instability. When we are darting here and there, up one day and down the next, we will never complete the mission God has for us.

4. Japhia, which means “Dazzling To The Eyes.” There is always a shiny object out there attempting to take your eyes off Jesus. Sometimes false preachers can be so full of hype that they pull people to them, but there is no fruit there. They are “clouds without water.”

5. Debir, which means “Oracle.” This is the false prophecy that can draw you away from what God is saying, if you listen.

So what am I saying? I’m saying that these kings, False Religion, Voice of a Crowd, Instability, Shiny Objects, and False Prophecy can lead you astray and keep you from fulfilling what God has for you. You and I need to make sure we have our foot on their necks.

If we listen to any of these kings, we will go astray – even if it is just in our thinking. These kings will keep us from taking the land. They will nullify God’s purpose in our lives.

No way. I am going to see to it that if I encounter one of these voices coming from another, or even one of these voices coming from my own mind, I will not listen.

I will see to it that those kings are rendered ineffective in their endeavor to lead me astray.

I only want God’s best for my life, and that’s all that I will allow myself to hear. What about you?

Luke 1:39-56

Elizabeth and Mary rejoice over their supernatural babies. One is pregnant after her childbearing years, and one as a virgin, so both of these babies are impossible to have. However, as spoken to Mary, “nothing will be impossible with God.”(v.38)

Can’t you hear the joy in these women as they meet? First, John leaps inside Elizabeth’s womb and she begins to prophesy. Then Mary herself prophesies.

Mary’s prophecy foretells the mighty mission of her son. To show mercy on God’s people,to  scatter the rich and the proud, to feed the poor and the hungry, and to fulfill the word spoken to Abraham and his offspring.

There is one word which Mary speaks which has prodded me many times. “And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what had been spoken to her by the Lord.”(v.4)

Not “blessed is she who heard a word.” but “blessed is she who believed that there would be fulfillment.”

When you hear words, either through Bible reading or through direct prophecy, do you believe that there will be a fulfillment? That’s where the blessing is. Not just the word itself, but the believing that it will happen.

Same principle we’ve seen over and over. How many ways can God say it? Blessed are those who believe.

Yes, Lord. I am a believer!

Read The Bible Through, March 22

Joshua 7-9

When there’s sin in the camp, God won’t be with you.

We talked yesterday about the significance of having the heart circumcised if we want to take our Promised Land. These Israelites had consecrated themselves, but there was one who didn’t take it seriously enough.

God had told the Jews not to take any of the spoils from Jericho. Yet Achan saw a beautiful Babylonian garment, some shekels of silver, and a bar of gold, and he just had to have them. So he took them and dug a hole to hide them in his tent. No one would ever know. Right?

Wrong. God knew and He was very displeased. He wanted obedience from His people, and He didn’t get it.

The next city to take was so small that they only needed a few hundred men to take it. So they went up against tiny Ai and were chased away. God was not with them, and they were defeated.

Of course, all of the Jews – including Joshua – were confused and dismayed, until the truth was revealed. Then the sin had to be dealt with – harshly.

There is a big lesson for us today. We sometimes think that “what no one knows” doesn’t matter. But that’s a wrong attitude. God always knows, and He is the important one.

You may say, well I am not stealing or committing adultery or indulging in drugs on the side. Well that’s good.

But what about unforgiveness! Are you holding a grudge against that guy who “did you wrong?” Or what about doubt and unbelief? Are you really believing and trusting in God? Then there’s pride. Do you think that you are better than someone else because of education, or social standing, or talent, or even your goodness?

These are the hidden sins – hidden in the tent of our hearts, where no one can see. Except God. And He’s the one who matters.

I find that my walk with God benefits by doing a cellar search every now and then. As we are worshipping God, it’s good to let Him take a good look and tell us what He finds. Then repent and ask for His grace to strengthen you in those weak areas.

We won’t get stoned in this day. Instead, if we really want to walk with Him, He will empower us to do better next time.

I am so thankful that we live in this day and on this side of the cross.

There is such joy when we live in true holiness, walking with our Lord and abiding in Him.

Luke 1:21-38

Remember yesterday we talked about words being important? Well today we have a whopper of an example.

After the word to Zacharias is fulfilled and Elizabeth is six months pregnant, the angel Gabriel appears to Mary. She is engaged to Joseph, and still a virgin.

As Gabriel speaks the Word of God and Mary accepts it, she becomes pregnant with the Son of God. I believe that the Word spoken is the actual seed of God planted in Mary’s womb. (Before you say that his is too Star Wars for you, think about it).

Jesus has said that the Word is like a seed, planted in the heart of man – to produce. When the Word is spoken to Mary, she says : “Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; be it done to me according to your Word.”(v.38)

Her faith in God causes her to receive His Word and receive the promise.

He has made many promises to all of us. Not to give birth to the Savior, of course, but to give birth to other facets of His plan. He has promised awakening to many of us, as we have prayed for our territories.

Now what do we say? Do we say, “Be it done to us according to Thy word?’ I hope so. He wants to give birth to many parts of His plans and purposes – through us, as we believe and act on what He tells us.

Our God is mighty and His Word is mighty. If we believe Him when He speaks, we will see great and mighty things occur!

Read The Bible Through, March 20

Joshua 1-3

The rules change!

As we are reading the book of Joshua, let’s apply the principles to our Christian walk.

We crossed the Red Sea to get out of Egypt. (That’s when we got born again). We’ve been wandering in the wilderness. Now it’s time to take the promises for which Jesus paid the price.

The first chapter of Joshua should be referred to again and again. There are some powerful principles here.

Three times it says, “Be strong and courageous.” (vs. 6,7 and 9) “Do not tremble or be dismayed.” (9)

Why does the Lord keep saying that? Because there are giants in the land. The giants are still there, but this time the people have faith that they will be able to take them. He is charging them to keep that faith.

Do you have giants in your life? Is there sickness or poverty? Are your children or grandchildren rebellious? All of these items have been paid for by Jesus on the cross. But we have to take the land.

When they were in the wilderness, provision fell on them. Manna fell from heaven everyday. Their shoes and their clothes didn’t wear out for 40 years. But there was no variety – just enough to get by.

The Promised land is different. There is great variety and great provision, but it doesn’t fall on you. You have to go get it! You have to fight the giants who are trying to prevent you from attaining  God’s highest plans for you.

However, some of this mission seems similar. There is another river to cross – the Jordan. And the Ark of the Covenant (the presence of God) has to be there – in the middle of the stream for the water to stand up on each side and let us walk over.

It’s important to remember that we don’t fight the giants alone. Our God is with us, but we are the ones who stand up against the giants.

So what is our weaponry? The Word of God. “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.” (1: 8).

As we believe and speak the Word of God, the giant demons of poverty and lack in any area have to flee. They may not go immediately, but as we continue, they will have to go.

Be strong and courageous!

Mark 16

He’s truly the God of a second chance. Peter had denied Jesus three times, just as the Master had said he would. He deserted His Lord in the darkest hour. What a disappointment!

So even though he deserted and is no longer a disciple, the angel by the tomb says, “tell His disciples – and Peter –  ‘He is going before you into Galilee; there He will see you, just as He said he would.'” Even though he denied Jesus, Peter is included. What mercy! God knows Peter’s heart.

Just wait! We are going to see some good things from Peter.

Right now let’s take a look at the charge given by Jesus after His resurrection. “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” “And these signs shall follow those who have believed: in My name they shall cast out demons, speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it shall not harm them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”

Jesus is speaking of an authority He is giving His followers to rise above the elements of the natural world. He had already demonstrated this authority as he walked the earth. He had even given it to His followers as he sent them out while he lived on the earth.

Now this is new. He is giving this authority to those “who believe,” after He leaves the earth. They are to operate with His delegated authority in His name. Mind boggling.

I remember when this first “clicked” with me. I had never been taught that we are to “speak with new tongues” or “lay hands on the sick.” But there it is. We can’t deny it.

Jesus paid the price for a higher life and a greater power than we can imagine. But these aren’t casual attributes; this life is to be pursued with passion.

Just for some clarity here. I am not saying for a moment that we are to be snake-handlers and poison-drinkers. Jesus is here speaking of the protection we have as we “go into all the world.” In Acts 28, we see this in action. Paul gets bit by a deadly viper and just “shook the creature off into the fire and suffered no harm.”(Acts 28:5).

As we continue in our reading, much of what our Lord is saying will become clearer.

This is a tremendous life he has called us to!

Read The Bible Through, March 19

Deuteronomy 32-34

There is a verse is Deuteronomy 29 which we didn’t cover yesterday, but I think it is really important in understanding the Bible. Deuteronomy 29:29 says “the secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to  us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of the law.”

We have seen how God has tried to protect His people from Satan before they were ready to understand their foe. He couldn’t reveal all that we know now about the devil, because they were not prepared to deal with him. They didn’t have Holy Spirit living on the inside of them like we do today.

So in the same way, over the years God has revealed more and more of His Word to his people. If we will keep ears to hear and eyes to see, we will understand more and more. Yet there are still some things which are secret from us until the time He wishes to reveal them.

That’s one reason that doctrinal error gets started. People reading the Bible try to understand with their minds – and not their spirits – what God has said. We need to wait for Him to reveal it.

Now back to Moses. Moses prophesies through song about the days ahead. God is showing him that eventually the nation will turn from God and worship idols, and their blessings will dry up. (I hope that our nation will wake up before it’s too late for us). As he says, “This is not an idle word for you; indeed it is your  life.”(32:47)

Moses is allowed to go up to the mountain and look over the Promised land, but he can’t enter. He tried to strike the rock (representing Jesus) twice, instead of speaking to it the second time. He didn’t regard God’s Word as Holy.

Remember, we need to learn from this. We have to regard the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross as Holy. Once and for all time God’s only Son was sacrificed for our sins on the cross. He paid the price for us to enter the land of our promises from God.

We don’t try to strike Him again for our answers. We receive what He has done, we pray for wisdom, and confess the Word concerning our issues. Jesus paid the price for much more than we are receiving.

I pray that all of us enter into a new, greater revelation of His Word and what it means. We must contend for the Word; we must contend for the faith. Faith reaches out and receives our answers.

We have to have those faith hands.

Mark 15: 24-47

We see over and over how Satan’s plans work for God. I Corinthians 2:8 says that “none of the rulers of this age understood God’s wisdom, for if they had understood it, they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory.” So Satan and his demons thought they were defeating God’s plan. Instead they were fulfilling it.

God’s Lamb – His Son who would be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins – was sacrificed on Passover by the High Priest – just as he was supposed to be. Isn’t it amazing to see how God works?

Then the veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom. God Himself tore the veil to signify that now all men can go into His presence. No longer is this reserved for the High Priest once a year. It’s for all of us.

Now we have the ability, not only to have forgiveness, but to live our lives in communion with our heavenly Father. He has adopted us as sons and wants to spend time with us.

The ball is in our court now. He has made the way and now beckons us to Him. We are the ones who have to make the decision to receive what he has done.

Easter season is near. I pray that all of us will make a decision to walk and live in a deeper revelation of what he has done for us.

There’s always more to learn and more to receive. When we spend time with our heavenly Father and His Word, we have at our hand new realms of understanding and empowerment.

I pray that his will be the year we decide to do it!