Read The Bible Through, Feb 24

Read The Bible Through, Feb 24

White-Breasted Nuthatch-600Numbers 7, 8

Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there is your heart also.” I could’t help but think of that verse as I read about the offerings being presented from all  of the leaders. There seems to be nothing more important to them than the tabernacle and all of the ceremonies.

The fact that every leader is named, along with the detail of his offerings, shows that this is significant to God also. And that still applies today.

God’s work on earth requires funds for the ministers, the buildings, the travel, the help to the poor, the media, and all of the other aspects of ministry. Only as His people are willing to help with His work can it all be done.

It might be a time to search your heart. Where is your money going? Is the proper portion going to God and His work? Or is all of it going to yourself and your desires?

Think about it.

Mark 4:21-48

“If any man has ears, let him hear.” I wonder if there was anyone standing there who didn’t have ears. Don’t you?

I’m quite confident that He was not talking about natural ears, but spiritual. If any man has ears to hear what God is saying to them, let him hear…And take care what you listen to.

This life of faith we are called to is an exciting life, but one which needs our full attention. All around us there are voices which are trying to talk us out of our walk with God. There are those who are saying that healing isn’t for today. Or that you “shouldn’t get your hopes up too high.” Jesus is saying just the opposite.

He is calling a people to Him who believe beyond the norm. Those are the ones who will be able to take His message where He leads them. They are the ones who will stand with boldness and declare what God is saying. They are the ones who will believe God for things which seem to others to be impossible.

Are you one of those people? Are you willing to believe God even when everything around you looks gloomy? Are you willing to take what you see in His Word and truly apply it to your life, holding onto it with all of your might?

If you are willing to be one of those people, you will receive more. Whoever has, to him shall more be given.

Hold on. Believe. And you will see God’s mighty hand move beyond your expectations!


Read The Bible Through, Feb 23

Read The Bible Through, Feb 23

chickadee1-600Numbers 5,6

The laws of the Nazarite may seem strange, but you can see certain symbolism if you look. If a man or woman was to take a vow to be holy to the Lord, they were to do certain things. The word “Nazarite” comes from a root word which means “separate.” So these people who chose to do this were saying that for a certain period of time they wanted to separate themselves from the pack and seek God.

The long hair represents a covering, or protection from demonic forces. And the abstinence from any grape product represents a clear, holy mind, with no alcohol. So these symbols were demonstrating a person with clear mind and heart so that they could seek God.

This ritual reminds me of current day fasting. Sometimes we might set ourselves apart to seek God – maybe for more clarity of vision or a greater ability to hear His voice. As we do that, we might skip certain meals, or even all food for a certain period of time to spend more time with Him. (more…)

Read The Bible Through, Feb 21

Read The Bible Through, Feb 21

Purple Finch Male-600Numbers 1, 2

The first census is taken of the men who are able to fight. God is preparing the Israelites for battle.

The leader of each tribe was to step forth and represent his tribe to Moses and Aaron. They were then to account for all of the able-bodied men over 20 years of age, as these were the ones who would go out and take the land God was giving them There was then detail about the order of tribes and which should go first.

Each tribe was to have its own standard, and they were to camp together around that standard.

My husband has been doing some teaching recently on the unity God is seeking for His church. God wants us to honor each other, not focusing on the doctrinal differences, but on what we have in common, namely Jesus. (more…)

Read The Bible Through, Feb 18

Read The Bible Through, Feb 18

indigoLeviticus 23, 24

The 23rd chapter has the best description of the Feasts that we have encountered. It lists the times and the procedures which should be implemented. There are three major feasts and four minor ones which accompany them. As we are looking at these, it’s important to constantly think, “Jesus.”

We’ve already seen that the Passover is a type for the crucifixion of Jesus, God’s Passover Lamb. The seven days of Unleavened Bread following that feast are the consecration of the believers to be holy to the Lord.

Then the Feast of First Fruits is offering the first and best to the Lord in order to bring blessing to the rest of the harvest. By faith, the Israelites are instructed to appropriate God’s best through this offering. The second major feast is the Feast of Weeks, or the Feast of Pentecost. At this time, fifty days after the harvest first produced some fruit, a larger offering is brought and waved before the Lord. (more…)

Read The Bible Through, Feb 17

Read The Bible Through, Feb 17

red-tail hawk-600Leviticus 21, 22

The Lord wants holiness! The priests and the sacrifices are to be perfect, pure, and holy.

Once again, all of these admonitions were to eventually bring them to understand God’s perfect Lamb, without spot or wrinkle.

Matthew 28

There is a song which starts out, “There is a line drawn through the ages.” Every time I read about the resurrection of Jesus, that’s what comes to mind. Indeed, that line has been drawn.

On one side of the line, God was teaching and training in an attempt to have men look toward a day when His perfect Lamb would be slain once for all. They couldn’t understand it, but they heard about it anyway.

They learned about a coming King, Messiah, and they thought that one day, this King would come to rule Israel and even the world. They were expecting great pomp and extravagant showmanship.

That’s not what they got. In fact, when the true Messiah came, He was hard to see. Only the spiritual could see Him. He was born to an ordinary family in a tiny town, and raised up in a simple craft – carpentry. His kin folks saw that He could understand the Hebrew writings really well, but other than that, He just seemed like a “nice boy.”

As the Master’s earthly ministry developed, there were tremendous signs and wonders, and great authority in His teaching, but something just didn’t seem quite right. Shouldn’t the King be parading around in priestly robes, with mighty display of position? Shouldn’t He be avoiding interaction with the common people – especially the sinners?

Jesus just couldn’t be the One – or could He? The spiritual ones began to have their eyes opened. The prideful seemed to get blinder and blinder. Until the day – God’s day. God’s time, when He drew the line of the ages and Jesus stepped across.

What a tremendous day that must have been to His believers. Having been shocked and dismayed over the last few days, they suddenly saw the purpose of God unfolding in such brilliance. Jesus had risen from the dead.

They didn’t understand it all, but they knew one thing. He was the Messiah! He was the One they had been looking for.

Now that He had stepped over the line, the world would never be the same. It would take a while before the new dispensation could be revealed.. In fact, it’s still being revealed, but the new era was ready to begin. One more thing had to happen. Jesus had to sprinkle the Mercy Seat in heaven with His blood, and then He could send His Holy Spirit to the earth to live in the hearts of men.

The most significant events of history were unfolding before the eyes of His people. Shock waves were being sent out across the land!

A New Day!