by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Deuteronomy 30-31
If anyone doesn’t understand the importance of honoring Israel, let that person read Deuteronomy 30. Just as God had spoken to Abraham and told him that his descendents would go into another country and after 400 years be brought out by signs and wonders, God now speaks through Moses that the nation will eventually follow after other gods and be cast into many corners of the earth.
But at the right time, God will restore them. He will “gather them again from all the peoples where the Lord your God has scattered them. ..If their outcasts are at the end of the earth, from there the Lord their God will gather them, and from there he will bring them back.” (V. 3-4).He will bring them back to their land and “they shall possess it”.(v.5).
In 1948, Israel was restored as a nation. (That’s what some of the ruckus is about over there. The Muslims don’t like them being there). Since that time, it has been a miracle what has happened.
Jews from all over the globe have moved to Israel – just like God promised in these verses. Without any good explanation, these people have had a desire to move to the land of Abraham, their father. Sometimes without even knowing it, they were being drawn by God Himself.
God will perform His Word. He knows the end from the beginning and when He says something will happen, rest assured, it will happen.
There are many more declarations which God has made, and they too will come to pass..
In the end, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. (Philippians 2:10). The blessed ones will say it this side of the grave.
Mark 15: 1-23
The crowds, the crowds. We love to be acclaimed by the crowds, don’t we?
That’s the nature of unregenerate man. He always wants to be highly esteemed.
So the leaders of the Jews fight for their place of honor, and deliver Jesus to the Romans. Now Pilate takes up his fight and pleases the crowd also.
He knows that the chief priests deliver Him because of envy, and that they stir up the crowds to want Barabbas, the thief, released instead of Jesus. But Pilate also wants to please the crowd, so he goes right along, in spite of his knowledge.
That desire for fame and reputation can be dangerous for any of us. Oh, I know that we won’t be called upon to kill Jesus. That day has come and gone. But when it isn’t popular, are we willing to stand up for Him?
Do we keep quiet when we should be holding Him up? Or is popularity more important?
In our day and in our culture boldness for Jesus may not be the norm. Yet there are many of our friends and acquaintances who have never met Him, and even may have a false idea of just who He is.
Are we willing to take the risk? If we get prompted by Holy Spirit to share with an individual at work, whom do we go with: God or man?
True disciples have to look foolish sometimes.
Lord, help me to be obedient, regardless of the cost. I’m Yours when its popular, and I’m Yours when it isn’t.
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Deuteronomy 28-29
Woo hoo! We come to one of my favorite chapters in the entire Bible.
People always seem to be striving to find God’s will. Does He want me healed? Does He want my needs to be met? Does He want my children blessed?
In chapter 28 we find God’s will in a nutshell. The “blessings of Abraham” are enumerated for all to see: God’s will to bless His people. In Galatians 3:13, we see that the blessings of Abraham are ours through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
This is our Promised Land.
Now let me make myself clear. I am not saying that God wants to “enhance” a life that is lived totally apart from Him. He is not here to “enhance” a sinful life. He is here to bless a life that belongs to Him.
In fact, if you read the whole chapter, it’s obvious that an evil person shouldn’t be expecting much at all from God – until they repent. There are some pretty tough curses out there. (The curses come from the devil and his cohorts, when you allow him to rule your life).
Being close to God and in His will allows you to stay under His umbrella of protection from the evil one. Those who are out from under His umbrella, can’t expect a whole lot. There is a devil out there. It isn’t that God doesn’t love everyone, but this covenant is for those who are His covenant people. (And now we can all be His covenant people through Jesus).
But if your life does belong to God and you are living in the light that you know, being obedient to Him, you can even look at the curses listed and know that those are not God’s will for you. In my Bible, I have “no” written in the margin of several of the curses. Just to remind myself when things don’t look so good.
What about where it says “your children will be taken into another territory?”(28:32;41). No. Or the one that says, “The heaven which is over your head shall be bronze, and the earth which is under you, iron.”(23). No. Or “You shall bring out much seed to the field but you shall gather little, for the locust shall consume it.”(38) No.
None of these verses are for God’s covenant people.
But hang on. I am not saying that these things won’t even try to come on you. I am saying that these things are not God’s will for you, if you are His.
There should never be confusion about His will. His will is always good for those who are His, walking in closeness to Him.
Often times, we have to fight for God’s will to be done in our lives. Just as the children of Israel had to fight for their land, we have to fight for our Promised Land. But we don’t fight people; we fight the demonic forces which try to stop God’s plan.
In this new day of a covenant with Jesus we have the power within us to overcome the evil one. By faith we fight for our territory by standing up for what God’s Word says. Through “faith and patience” we inherit the promises. (Hebrews 6:12).
If this concept is new to you, I hope you meditate on what I’ve said. In the days ahead, we will see more clearly God’s plan for our taking the Land.
Mark 14:53-72
How can these men be so cruel to God’s perfect man?
These are supposed to be God’s representatives – the chief priest and the council. Yet they falsely accuse Jesus, trying to put Him to death. Isn’t it shocking?
These men want prestige and power as their place of leadership. Jesus is rocking their boat. He is being merciful to the sinners, healing on the sabbath, raising the dead, and ministering to huge crowds. They just can’t have such competition.
Furthermore, these leaders have a good reputation with Rome, and they are afraid they are losing it.
So God’s supposed men fight against His plan and bring charges against His Son.
Yet God’s big plan goes on – with or without individuals. We can personally exempt ourselves from His covenant or His plan, but God will find someone else to cooperate with his will.
Just as these leaders chose not to go with God, we can too. We can choose for His will not to be performed in our lives, and He will get someone else to fulfill what He had planned for us. But God’s overall plan will succeed. He will search until he finds those who are willing and obedient.
I say, “Yes, Lord. I want to be in on what You are doing. I want to fulfill what You have for me.”
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Deuteronomy 23-25
When the laws of the United States were drawn up, Jewish law was used as a guideline. That’s why at one time, there were “usury laws,” limiting the amount of interest which could be charged. (You can see that God views it as immoral to charge too much interest).
In fact, among countrymen, no interest was to be charged at all. (Deuteronomy 23:19) No one made a living just by charging interest on money.
Furthermore, it’s clear that the poor were to be treated with dignity. If you took collateral for a loan, the poor man was to be given it back before nightfall. And if you hired a poor man to work for you, you were to pay him at the end of the day.(24:10-15)
Then there were the fields. We’ve already discussed this, but the fields were not to be harvested to completion. Neither were the Olive trees, nor the grape vines. All of these were to be kept for the poor to glean their food after the harvest. Provision without handouts.(24:19-21)
Then there is this. Each person should feel free to eat some of the fruit or grain from their neighbor’s field, as long as they didn’t harvest it for further use. Such hospitality!
Can you see a pattern? Kindness and generosity were being taught to these Jews. They were to look out for the welfare of each other and consider others’ needs as well as their own. They were being taught to love their brother.
Honesty and integrity were also important principles. There were not to be two different weights in the bag.(25:13). In those days, the farm products were sold by weight, and sometimes deceitful people would play tricks in the bargain. They would have two differing weights that were marked the same. When they were selling, they would use the light weight, which would make the customer think they were getting more than they were. Yet when they were buying, they would use the heavy weight, so that they were getting a bigger portion. Not so, says God.
No tricks for God’s people. Just honesty and integrity. One weight for all purposes, making the transactions just and fair.
Isn’t it comforting to know that our God, the One in whom we trust our lives, is toally just and fair to all of us.
Mark 14:1-25
It’s worth noting that just after the woman with the alabaster box of costly perfume had poured it out on Jesus, Judas went to the chief priests to plot against his Lord. Greed will do a number on a person. Judas carried the money bag for Jesus, and used to steal from it. I believe that he was the one who was so offended at the “waste” of the costly perfume.
He just didn’t get it. This woman was pouring the perfume over Jesus, when they could sell it and give the money to the poor. She was worshiping Jesus extravagantly. Judas didn’t have a heart for that. He was just thinking about the money.
John 12:6 says that Judas objected, not because he cared about the poor, but because he wanted the money in the bag so he could steal it.
Over the years, I have encountered people who didn’t like worship and prayer. Sometimes new believers don’t know yet how to worship and pray, but I’m not talking about them. I’m talking about people who have been Christians for a while, but who get annoyed when worship or prayer lasts too long or gets too intense.
Usually those people were also stingy with their money. They didn’t want to give too much to the poor, or the church, or to missions. Just a little.
I want to be an extravagant worshiper. I want to stay in my Father’s presence long enough to hear what He is saying to me. And I want to be generous to give to His causes.
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Deuteronomy 20-22
When man has no developed conscience to know right from wrong, it takes bunches of laws to teach him. So we continue with the “sundry laws,” concerning what to do with unknown murders, how to treat your neighbors’ property, and how to deal with sexual sin and rebellious children. Tough laws!!
When I’m reading through passages like this, I always like to find some “gold nuggets,” which enlighten me. These are bits of truth which encourage me concerning our Christian walk.
One of these nuggets is 20:1 and following. “When you go into battle against your enemies and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, don’t be afraid of them, for the Lord your God who brought you up from the land of Egypt, is with you.” Today we are not fighting against flesh and blood, but principalities and powers. In the natural, these enemies are greater than us, but they are small compared to our God. (more…)
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Deuteronomy 17-19
How do you keep people from Satan before they are equipped to fight against him? That is God’s challenge in dealing with the children of Israel.
Natural man is no match for the devil when he opens the door of his heart to enemy influence. There would come a time when Jesus would pay the price for the sin of Adam and send back Holy Spirit to dwell in the hearts of those who were His. Then those people would have the power to overcome the devil. But that time wasn’t here yet.
So God can’t teach the Israelites to stand against the devil; He has to settle for keeping them out of Satan’s territory. That’s why He is so strict about opening the doors to the devil.
When the people worship other gods, they are opening themselves to Satan, without even knowing it. When they are influenced by other pagans, or when they enter into sexual perversion, or when they take on the practices of the Canaanites, they open wide their hearts to be influenced away from the one true God. So our Father, out of His love for the people, keeps them from the evil one by harshly dealing with those who violate His parameters.
They must obey. That’s the only way their lives will be saved from their adversary.
When we keep in mind what God is dealing with and what is at stake, we understand the no tolerance policy of our Father. He has to keep a group of people faithful enough to God’s principles to be able to eventually bring his perfect sacrifice, Jesus, through them.
What a job! But our God accomplishes it, just like He will accomplish the rest of His Word. We have an awesome, Holy, powerful, loving God!
Mark 13:1-20
There are many interpretations concerning the end times. There are those who think all of this happened under Nero, when the Christians were fed to the lions, the temple was destroyed, and Jerusalem burned.
Yet, obviously, everything wasn’t over then, because we are still here. Many times there are seasons of prophecy being fulfilled, as certain aspects of the prophecy come around again and again. I think that this is what is happening here.
It seems to me that it would be hard to look around and not realize that we are in the end times. I don’t know how long this phase will last, but it’s hard to imagine things getting much worse.
This is not to bring fear, but wisdom. We should be actively pursuing our relationship with God. He is our refuge and strength, regardless of what is going on around us. We should also be actively sharing His love with those close by.
God’s Word is true, and His promises will come true.
Let’s commit ourselves to a greater pursuit of His presence, His Kingdom, and His plan.
“And those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.”(Daniel 12:3)