by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Judges 1-3
Some sad days ahead for Israel. After Joshua and all of his generation died, “there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord, nor yet the work He had done for Israel.”(2:10)
It’s hard to believe that a group of people could encounter the Lord in such a great way and yet not pass on their beliefs to their offspring. But we see that over and over – in scripture and in our own generation.
In my own lifetime I have seen such changes in perceptions of people. Of course, the changes in race relations have been good, but the changes in morality have been horrible. Now sexual immorality is accepted as the norm by many levels of our society. Such a shame. So many precious babies are affected.
Getting back to Judges, we see in the first three chapters that the Jews would turn away from God and lose their protection. So they would serve another king for a number of years, for they could “no longer stand against their enemies.” (2:14)
Again and again God would raise up judges who would help them be delivered from their enemies, but “when the judge died, they would turn back and act more corruptly than their fathers….they did not abandon their practices or their stubborn ways.” (2:19)
God’s people had to serve the king of Mesopotamia for 8 years, until Othniel helped deliver them. They had rest for 40 years, and then Othniel died. Then back to the evil. They then served the king of Moab for 18 years, until Ehud was raised up to deliver them, giving the Jews 80 years of peace.
Without strong leadership the Israelites seemed unable – or unwilling – to follow God. They preferred the gods of the nations around them, particularly Baal, the god of prosperity.
Does that sound familiar today? We don’t call him Baal, but prosperity is worshipped by many in our society.
I pray that through God’s help we will keep our hearts pure from the worship of money. I also pray that our nation and our world will learn from the Jewish experience and turn back to the one true God.
Luke 4:1-30
When Jesus entered the wilderness for His 40 day fast, He was full of the Holy Spirit. He demonstrated to us that the warfare against the devil should be done through the spoken Word of God, which is our “sword of the Spirit.”(Ephesians 6:17). After the fast and temptations, Jesus returned to Galilee in the “power” of the Spirit.(Luke 4:14).
He was ready to begin his ministry in its fullness, with God’s supernatural gifts flowing.
Isn’t it noteworthy that as long as Jesus was the young local guy who often read the scriptures in the synagogue, He was admired and appreciated? Yet after he received the Holy Spirit baptism and was ready for His ministry, he was hated.
He announces Himself as the One mentioned in Isaiah, and true rage follows. These people who have known Him all of his life, cast Him out of the city and try to throw Him down a cliff. But he “passes through their midst.” (4:30)
How does that happen? A mob has Him in their hands, and He just “passes through their midst?” Sounds like an angelic visitation to me.
Not only was Jesus walking in supernatural power, He had supernatural protection and provision.
Jesus had no fear because He knew that God’s protection was with Him all the time. Eventually he would “lay down His life,” but not yet. Until that time, angels would keep Him from any harm.
Today God wants us to have faith for that type of protection. His angels surround us as we perform His purpose. Let’s count on that protection and be willing to trust Him at all times.
Remember the slogan, “What would Jesus do?” Well, that’s what Jesus would do. It’s one thing, at least. He would trust God for divine protection at all times.
Lord, increase our faith!
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Joshua 22-24
Mission accomplished. Joshua finished his assignment by bringing the Israelites into the Promised Land and dividing their inheritance. All of their boundaries had been established, and there had been peace within their borders for a time.
One more time Joshua reminds his people of the history they share with God, and he reminds them that only the true God is to be served, then he “goes in the way of all the earth.”(23:14)
The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh are an interesting bunch. They helped fight for the territories, and they built an altar to remind their children that they are part of God’s inheritance, but they chose land across the Jordan – away from the others. Land that was really not part of the Promised Land.
Their attitude reminds me of some Christians today. They want to be considered Christians, but they really don’t want to enter all the way into God’s best. Hanging around the periphery seems good enough for them.
There’s a warning here, however. These tribes were to be the first ones to go into captivity. They will eventually be easy pickings for the Assyrian army.
I want to be right in the middle of what God is doing, don’t you?
Right now there are some tremendous revivals going on around the world – and even in our country. There are some Christians who know nothing about it – and there are some who are right there, praying and ministering with their whole hearts.
Lord, let me be a part of it! I want to be right where You are moving – and I want You to move where I am!
Luke 3
In John the Baptist we are seeing the fulfillment of prophecy. First the prophecy of Isaiah, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness…”(Luke 3:4-6; Isaiah 40:3-5). But also the prophecy of Zacharias, John’s father. (Luke 1:77)
John is calling people to repentance. He spares no words as he deals with the church leaders, calling them a “brood of vipers.”(7)
When pride prevails, it’s hard for people to see that they need a Savior. The Savior has come and is about to be revealed, but these people need to know that they need Him. Only the contrite of heart are able to receive from God.
We see the trinity when Jesus is baptized. The Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus like a dove, and God’s voice came out of Heaven, “Thou art My beloved Son, in Thee I am pleased.”(21-22).
Thus begins the ministry of Jesus. The Holy Spirit having descended, He is ready to finish His mission on earth.
As Christians, this same Holy Spirit is with us today – leading us, guiding us, and empowering us to fulfill our missions. As we are sensitive to His bidding, we will be able to accomplish our purpose.
I say, “Yes, Holy Spirit. I want You to lead me.”
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Joshua 19-21
The rest of the land gets divided, and all of the tribes are settled in their places.
“So the Lord gave Israel all the land which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they possessed it and lived in it.
And the Lord gave them rest on every side, according to all that he had sworn to their fathers, and no one of all their enemies stood before them; the Lord gave all their enemies into their hand.
Not one of the good promises which the Lord had made to the house of Israel failed; all came to pass.” (21:43-45)
What more can I say? Nothing, except that there are more declarations God has made to the world. Those, too , will come to pass.
His Word doesn’t fail.
Luke 2: 21-52
God always has His intercessors. While many of the church leaders were parading around in their priestly robes, trying to impress their subjects, God had some less significant people praying for His purpose.
Those intercessors were the ones who saw and recognized Jesus!
John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church, once said, “I am convinced that God does nothing on the earth, except in response to believing prayer.” When God’s ready to put a new piece of His puzzle in place, He first impresses upon the hearts of His true prayer warriors to pray for it.
That’s what we see in Simeon and Anna. Neither of them was a person of position or great honor, they were simple people. Both of them were advanced in years and both spent lots of time praying. It was to these two that God revealed the identity of Jesus.
Both of these people had seen in God’s Word that the Savior would come, and they were praying for it to happen. The Holy Spirit had revealed to Simeon that he wouldn’t see death until he had seen the Christ, and that’s exactly what took place.
The joy which comes from that man is evident as he recognizes Jesus and proclaims God’s Word. Overhearing these words, Anna agrees, and her joy exudes to others – the Savior has come.
God’s methodology hasn’t changed. There are many today who parade around in their pride and arrogance, ignoring God’s plan, and even discounting his Word.
Then there are others. There are those who love God and His Word, and who spend time praying for it to come to pass. Sometimes these people are unrecognized, even by those around them. But God knows what they are doing, and He is pleased.
Our world is in great need of awakening, and that’s a promise God has made to His people. As those who will believe God and allow Him to direct their prayers, rise up to their positions of prayer, we will see His plans come to fruition.
We have already begun to see trickles of it, but we will see more. We will see God move in the hearts of people, calling them to a greater life in Him.
Significant change is on the way.
I choose to be a part of His prayer team. Do you?
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Joshua 16-18
Boundaries and more boundaries. Habitations are being set.
There is one very interesting item to me here. Seven tribes had not yet divided their inheritance. Joshua said, “How long will you put off entering to take possession of the land which the Lord, the God of your fathers, has given you?”(18:3)
That same question could be asked today. The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus have been so significant to us. He paid the price for so much more than we have received.
How long will we put off taking our land? That’s probably a question our Father is asking today.
Think about it.
Luke 2:1-20
To me, this is the best account of the birth of Jesus. In one way His birth is very plain and simple – not in a palace, but in a manger. Yet in another way, this birth is the most dramatic ever!
Imagine the shepherds out tending sheep having such a magnificent display of angels serenading them. What’s going on? “Good news of great joy…today is born a Savior which is Christ the Lord.”
Would you be ready for such a display? What would you do with it? Would you take it seriously or would you think you were hallucinating?
I’m sure it had to be challenging for the shepherds, but they were chosen well. For the shepherds immediately decided to go to Bethlehem and check it out.
“And the shepherds went back, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen, just as had been told them.”(2:20)
When we see God’s Word fulfilled, our hearts have to praise Him. Whether it is a person receiving Jesus and being transformed before our eyes, or someone being healed, or a miraculous escape from danger, God’s hand in our lives is too beautiful for words.
We have to praise and glorify Him!
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible, Uncategorized
Joshua 13-15
When I come across passages like this – listing the territories which God gave to His people, I can’t help but think about Acts 17:26. “God made from one, every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times, and the boundaries of their habitation.”
Today we still have certain boundaries. There are people appointed to each nation, territory, city, and family. Those people are responsible for their own habitation, but they can’t be responsible for all the others. Even in pastoring a church, my husband has the charge of praying for the people and teaching them the truth, but he can’t live their lives for them.
He can’t go into their homes and make the decisions which will affect the lives of that family. That would be overstepping his bounds. Each person is responsible for his own habitation.
In the same way, we are responsible for our civic duties as citizens of a country, but we have nothing to say about another country. We can pray for the people there, but we can’t vote, or in any way determine the culture of another country.
In thinking along these lines, though, it makes me truly aware of God’s placement of my life. I want to fulfill every purpose He has for me in the area of His choosing. I want to do everything I can to manifest God’s Kingdom around me.
Then we come to Caleb. What an inspiration he is! In 14:6-15 Caleb reminds Joshua of Moses’s promise to him 45 years before. When the spies came into the Promised Land, only Joshua and Caleb believed that God would bring them in. At the time, the entire nation had to stay in the wilderness because of their unbelief. Yet Moses promised Caleb that eventually he would have the land on which his foot had trodden – the hill country.
Caleb remembers. “I am eighty-five years old today. I am still as strong today as I was in the day Moses sent me; as my strength was then, so my strength is now, for war and for going out and coming in. Now give me this hill country …with the Anakim.”(14:10-12)
Not only does he remember, but Caleb is as strong at eighty-five as he was at forty. He is ready to take on the giants!
Caleb is my role model in that respect. I want to continue to have great strength for fulfilling God’s purpose all the days of my life. No retirement. Never “too old,” just divine strength all the days of my life.
Luke 1:57-80
All the relatives were blown away by John’s birth and its circumstances. In the first place, Elizabeth was too old to have this child … but she did. And there was this strange thing about Zacharias not being able to speak.
Yet there was even more to come. According to Jewish tradition, the child should be named for his father. So when the eighth day came – the time for the circumcision and naming of the child – all of the relatives were going to call him Zacharias. Elizabeth again shocked everyone by saying his name was John. (The name God had ordained).
Still unable to speak, Zacharias had to write his agreement, “His name is John. And they were all astonished.” (1:63)
So Zacharias regained his ability to speak and prophecy began to come forth. “God is accomplishing redemption for His people.” “Salvation from our enemies.” “to remember His Holy covenant.” And this child shall be “called the prophet of the Most High.” “Prepare the way of the Lord.” “Sunrise on High shall visit us.” “To shine upon those who sit in darkness.”
The town was abuzz with gossip and speculation. Every bit of this was out of the ordinary. Something big was going on here!
We have to remember that about 400 years had gone by without any major words from God. Things had become very quiet, and all of the prophetic words of old could have seemed to have passed away.
Yet they hadn’t. There were still a few people around who studied the Word and prayed and believed that there would be fulfillment. Yet I’m sure that even when the words were fulfilled it seemed surreal. Way out of the ordinary.
We live in a similar day. There are some who may have read the Bible in days gone by, but they don’t pay much attention any more. They may think that the Words of God will never come to fruition.
I have news for those people. Every Word of God will be fulfilled. Every one! It does us good to read and study and pray for discernment on these things.
Just as in those days, one day there will be a “suddenly.” There will be a manifestation of the things we have been praying and believing for.
There’s much excitement ahead. I want to be ready for it and in on it. Don’t you?