by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
I Kings 8-9
Here we see the high moment of Solomon’s reign. After all of those years of procuring the materials and artisans, building the house of the Lord, and fashioning all of the furnishings of bronze and gold, the ark is moved to be set in its place under the cherubim in the holy of holies.
And God shows up! He is pleased with Solomon as he establishes this house, and Solomon is pleased with God. The glory of God fills the house like a tangible presence – a cloud, and the priests could not even stand because of that glory. (8:11)
Solomon’s prayer is touching. “There is no God like Thee in heaven above or on earth beneath, who art keeping covenant and showing lovingkindness to Thy servants who walk before Thee with all their heart.”(8:27). Thus begins Solomon’s long prayer with supplications to God for forgiveness to remain with the Israelites as long as they stay repentant.
After this celebration, many sacrifices, and feasting before the Lord for many days, the Jews return to their homes “joyful and glad of heart for all the goodness that the Lord had shown to David His servant and to Israel His people.”(8:66)
When the Lord appears to Solomon a second time, He reminds him of the need for faithfulness. If Solomon will continue in faithfulness to God, he will not lack an heir to sit on the throne. However, if he turns away from God, then the throne will be removed.”(9:1-9)
Why is our Father so determined to keep our hearts pure before Him? He is determined because He is the only source of life for us. Since his fall, Satan has tried to fabricate other gods and have men worship them – demonic gods, which bring only death. Then men over the ages have lifted themselves in pride and created other “gods,” with the same results – death.
There is only one true God – the Creator of the universe, and only this true God has life to offer. He is full of love and wisdom – everything good that can be obtained. He alone should be worshipped.
“Every good and perfect gift comes down from above, from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, nor shifting shadow.”(James 1:18)
He is the only One I want to worship!
Luke 21:1-19
Jesus reveals some of the end times events, and He gives us a charge.
“and you will be hated by all on account of My Name, yet not a hair on your head will perish. By your endurance you will gain your lives.”(17-19)
Just as the Lord spoke to Solomon, He is speaking to us “stay faithful, endure, don’t waiver in your beliefs.”
Most of us haven’t had to give our lives for the gospel, and we usually don’t feel hated because of His Name. Yet there is rising up an attitude of mocking toward those who really believe Him.
In many parts of the world, persecution is indeed real for Christians. In some places, ministers and believers are being beaten, jailed, and even killed because of their beliefs.
In other parts of the world, people are not being killed, but they are being mocked for their beliefs. Truth is being twisted and contorted so that many don’t even know what to believe.
We are called to stay faithful to the end. We can’t let other men, who don’t believe, be the ones to determine our beliefs. We may be mocked, but that doesn’t matter. We know that God’s Word is true – regardless of what others say.
“By our endurance, we will gain our lives.” I am determined to endure!
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
I Kings 6-7
Don’t try to tell me that God isn’t a God of detail!
Whew! Just reading these two chapters, it’s clear that there is nothing incidental in Solomon’s temple. The length, width, height, shape, color, texture – everything is noted about the temple and its implements.
It gets confusing to me trying to imagine what it looks like with all of the handiwork.
One thing is for certain. Only the choicest materials are used and only the finest artisans are procured for the job. Solomon even brings a worker of bronze from Tyre to fashion the bronze work.
It takes seven years from start to finish, and it must be a beautiful place indeed.
Tomorrow, we’ll read about the dedication. Can’t wait!
Luke 20:27-47
Jesus turns the tables. The Sadducees bring a question concerning a woman whose seven husbands die and each time she would marry another brother. Which would be her husband in heaven?
Now the Sadducees did not believe in a resurrection, so they are trying to show that resurrection doesn’t make sense. Yet Jesus turns the question back to them.
He says, “That the dead are raised, even Moses showed…Moses calls the Lord, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Now He is not the God of the dead, but of the living.”(v.37-38)
He has them in a bind now, because these people say they believe in Moses. Why would Moses call Him the God Abraham, etc. if Abraham was dead?
Then He goes in a little deeper. “Why did David say the Lord said to my Lord… if Christ is his Son?”
As usual, these intellectuals don’t know how to answer.
Intellectualism can really get you into trouble, because our minds aren’t large enough to comprehend God. Even the most educated, when they start trying to come against the Word of God, wind up with inconsistencies in their reasoning.
I learned a long time ago that God is smarter than we are. We just might as well accept that fact and live with it.
We can’t out figure God and we can’t always figure Him out. We receive Him by faith, and walk with Him. He proves that He is real in a thousand ways as we walk with Him. We will know lots of things, but those things won’t come through our reasoning.
After all, He is our Creator.
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
II Samuel 23-24
First in this passage we encounter a listing of the Mighty Men of David. Just a reminder as to where these men came from – they were those who were in debt, in distress, and discontented when they came to David. The Lord has truly been with them as they have grown in their ability and position.
Then we come to something very interesting. David counts the people.
In this day and age, it seems that counting the people would be a valid request to make. Yet with David, this was a sin. Why would that be?
Joab has the answer to that question when he says, “Now may the Lord your God add to the people a hundred times as many as they are.” In other words, when God is leading the army of David, a few can do what hundreds could do in the natural.
Throughout the Bible we see small numbers – or seemingly insignificant people – being chosen by God to do great things for Him. The reason: He shows that with Him all things ar possible. Natural limitations are not there when God is involved.
That’s our Father’s way. He loves to prove Himself to His people in many different ways.
In our lives today, He is the same. If we really trust Him and believe in Him, we will see many impossible situations turn possible. We will see “impossible” people turn their lives to Him and change. We will see “impossible” diseases healed. We will see “impossible” accidents deliver no harm. And on and on.
Our God is limitless in His power. The limit is in our faith.
I want to count on Him to do a lot with a little, don’t you? My focus is not in the numbers or natural abilities; it’s in my Father’s mighty power.
Luke 19:1-27
We each have our talents. We each have our place in God’s kingdom – and our purpose designed by Him.
It’s so easy to look around and think that we are not important. In this day of celebrity mania, with many sitting in the bleachers watching others live their lives, that “unimportant” tag seems to beckon us.
However, our Creator sees it differently. He sees who He created us to be – an important part of His kingdom, and He wants us to develop who we are. We are all significant in His eyes.
So what part do you play? Only you and God can settle that for sure, but you do have a part. So whatever that part is, it should be played to the fullest.
In the church, all of the gifts are needed. There are exhorters and encouragers, teachers, those good at hospitality, or maintenance, or cleaning. When everyone is making their contribution, there’s a flow to the work.
Or maybe your part is played to the community as a whole – in leadership or as a volunteer.
Let’s develop our gifts and be found faithful using them – all as our Father designed.
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
II Samuel 21-22
David gives his God all the praise for his victories.
You could contrast David’s attitude with Saul’s and you realize why David is called a “man after God’s own heart.” When David wins a battle, he never seems to take the glory for himself. He knows that without God, he is nothing.
Yet, with God, he can do anything. He can “run through a troop and leap over a wall.”(v.30)
Now in our day, Jesus has come, and we are born again of Him. We have God’s Spirit living inside of us.
We are still taking a Promised Land, but that land is the land of promises given through Jesus. It includes blessings for our families, our health, provision, and victory over demonic forces who try to hinder us.
Still He is our rock and our deliverer. When forces come against us at work, He is our shield. When we are misunderstood and falsely accused, He is our fortress.
Our Father is the One to whom we run in times of trouble. He “draws us out of many waters, and delivers us from our strong enemy.”(V.18)
I am so thankful that we have such a wonderful God. He is all-powerful and all-knowing. Nothing catches Him by surprise. He is perfect.
Yet, this perfect God, who has all power and might, and knows everything, is also a God of love. He loves us with a love which cannot truly be comprehended. That love is greater than our minds can understand.
Oh, I praise Him today. I praise Him for delivering me from myself. I praise Him for taking my sin and nailing it to the cross.
He is my Rock, my Deliverer, and my Salvation.
Luke 18:24-43
As we read the scriptures, there are times when we come upon something so powerful, so far above our understanding, that we just pass over it – as if it weren’t there.
Verses 29 and 30 are like that. They say that if anyone has left anything for Jesus, he will receive many times as much in this life. In fact, this same incident is even elaborated on more in Mark 10:31. His account says, “100 times as much.”
There are times when following the Lord costs people. Perhaps they are called to a foreign land, and they have to leave their families for years at a time. That’s hard.
Then there are times when people are called to leave good jobs to follow the Lord’s leading. That can be hard, too.
The promise the Lord has, however, is extremely great. He says that those who have to leave something in following Him, will receive many times as much – or one hundred times as much – in this lifetime.
Many times I think that with the families, the return is in a greater relationship with those families – even though they had to be left geographically. Then too those families have greater blessing because of one person’s obedience.
As for houses and land, I personally think that it’s a matter of faith. These things can be brushed aside and ignored, or they can be pursued.
Anything that Jesus says is true. If we don’t see it happening, there’s another reason for it. It’s not because He missed it.
I want to be like the woman with the issue of blood. I want to reach out and touch the hem of His garment for every promise He has made – for myself and my children and my children’s children.
How about you?
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
II Samuel 19-20
The king returns to Jerusalem. Yet it’s a mixed day for God’s people.
Since the rebellion of Absalom, there had been much confusion. Many had sided with Absalom – just because he seemed to be the victor. Now they find themselves in trouble.
David has to have a gift of merc! As he is returning, men come out to meet him and give their excuses as to why they chose to stay with Absalom. Even Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s son who had been so lavishly treated by David, had stayed – and he had his excuse.
Mercy to all of them. That’s David’s way. He wants the bloodshed to stop and for there to be peace in Israel.
However, there can’t be true peace as long as someone is still in rebellion. So Sheba, the son of Bichri who is causing the Israelites to rebel, has to be dealt with.
The armies are sent – and Joab brings down the rebellion. He’s now over the whole army of Israel – Israel and Judah.
It’s interesting to see that there seems to be a root of division which continues to develop between Israel and Judah. ( Israel is larger, with ten tribes and Judah has only two). Watch for this as we proceed.
It seems like a “root of bitterness” which can spring back up.
In our personal lives, in our families and churches, it’s so important to keep the roots of bitterness plucked up. If these roots are allowed to stay – with just the fruit dealt with – eventually they will spring up again and cause great division.
I pray that all of us will allow the Father to pluck up those roots. To eradicate them completely from the soil of our hearts. We want God’s best – which comes with an honest and good heart – free from strife.
Let’s forgive, forgive, and forgive again.
Luke 18:1-27
There is such a fine line between self-righteousness and true righteousness.
We stand righteous before God today if we are born again. He has given us that wonderful gift. We didn’t earn it – and we don’t deserve it. It’s a gift, because of His great love for us.
Just as Mephibosheth was allowed to come to the king’s table, so are we invited to our King’s table. And the fare there is good, indeed.
The flip side of this is that we don’t come because of our own works. That’s what the Pharisee tries to do.(v.10-14).
He comes to the Lord bragging on his own goodness. He fasts twice a week, pays his tithes, and isn’t a swindler or an adulterer. Yet that works mentality isn’t what causes us to receive from our God.
We receive from Him when we come humbly, realizing that in ourselves, without Jesus, we don’t have anything to offer. It’s the sacrifice of Jesus which has caused us to be made righteous.
Now do we want our lives to be holy and pure? Of course we do. When we are in love with Jesus and when we allow ourselves to be led by Him, we want to please Him in every respect.
But that still is not where our righteousness comes from. It’s still an undeserved gift we receive through faith.
In this story of the pharisee and the publican, Jesus had not yet gone to the cross. There had been no sacrifice for sin. They were operating under the old covenant.
Jesus was still pointing to the new, however, as he describes these two. True repentance is necessary to receive the work of the cross.
We die to self and live to Him. And the gifts we receive in Him are truly incredible.