by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Psalms 16-18
There is a place in God’s presence which empowers us beyond anything the human mind can imagine. When we are in that place, we see Him for who He is – the author of all that is in existence. The One who set the world in order and designed all of its elements. He placed us here in our time and in our space, and for our purpose.
When we are in God’s presence and see him for who He is, there is nothing which could bring fear upon us. Sure there are enemies out there. Sickness, financial burdens, marital problems, and issues with our children still exist, but our God has an answer for every one of them.
Through our God, “we can run upon a troop and leap over a wall.” (18:29) Sounds a little like Superman, doesn’t it?
Well, we do become super people when we engage ourselves with our Almighty God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. There is nothing too difficult for Him. He always has the answer for us. Sometimes He will give us wisdom about what we are to do. Then sometimes He will accomplish miracles on our behalf.
Our God is a faithful God. He is our Rock. He is Wings over us, protecting us. He is our Shelter and our Deliverer.
“The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; indeed my heritage is beautiful to me.” (16:6)
Acts 19: 23- 20:16
Everywhere Paul goes there seems to be an uproar. Most of the time, it’s the Jews afraid of losing control of their congregations. In Asia, however, Paul is upsetting some of the Pagan economy. The silversmiths, who have been prospering by crafting statues of Artemis, riot. They are afraid that Paul will turn the people against the god they are selling. So Paul leaves the area and goes to Greece.
Then a crowd gets stirred up against him in Greece, and he has to leave there also. Does this seem like an indelible pattern to you? He really makes folks mad! They want to kill him. Actually, it’s the devil who is stirring up the people; he doesn’t want the word about Jesus to be spread.
Now for all of you ministers who have been concerned about people falling asleep in your services, Paul has the same problem. (Of course, it’s because his sermons last until after midnight). Eutychus, falling into a deep sleep, tumbles from the third story, and dies. Paul, however, raises the boy from the dead and goes on preaching.
Paul and his crowd are in constant expectation of miracles. That’s an element our modern-day church has lost. Most people are so geared toward medicine and science, they don’t expect God to move in a spectacular way. But He does still, when people believe Him.
I want to take the wraps off of my faith in Him. I want to expect the supernatural in my everyday life. I have seen many miracles, and I want to see even more.
The God we serve is beyond our comprehension. When we try to understand all of who He is with our finite minds, we miss it…and we limit Him in our lives.
I hope you will join me in allowing our faith to be stretched. There is nothing too difficult for our God!
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Psalms 10-15
David had some tough times during his lifetime. He had to hide from Saul who was trying to kill him, and from Absalom for the same reason. There were others also, who were provoked by the devil to attack God’s anointed one. Some lied about him; others tried to do bodily harm.
As David wrote his poems and songs, he poured out his heart. One of the themes which came up often was lament of the fact that evil people still prospered in the earth. He wanted to see justice right away.
In almost every case, however, even though David would cry and complain, he would wind up his poetry with one more exclamation about God’s goodness, His faithfulness, and His justice. “O Lord, Thou hast heard the desire of the humble; Thou wilt strengthen their heart; Thou wilt incline Thine ear.” (10:17) “For the Lord is righteous; He loves righteousness; the upright will behold His face.”(11:7). “Thou, O Lord, wilt keep Thy words.”(12:7).
It sometimes seems that David talks to himself, and reminds himself of God’s goodness.
That’s something we need to do. Everyone has tough times. There are times when we are treated unjustly and it seems that “life just isn’t fair.” During those times, we need to talk to ourselves, just as David did. We need to remind ourselves of God’s goodness and His faithfulness.
In fact, we can take some of David’s own words and do some therapy on our own minds. “I will sing unto the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me.”(13:6) That’s a good verse to use in times of trouble. He has dealt bountifully with all of us, and we need to remember it.
When we are going through hard times, it is easy to start focusing on the negative things which occur. We may have one thought which gets fixated in our mind’s eye, and that thought dominates our attitude. That’s when we should do as David did, and shake it off. Begin to quote some of his words and substitute the new thoughts with the negative ones.
Our mood can change in an instant when we substitute the thoughts of praise. There is always something to praise God for, and He is faithful to carry us through.
He has dealt bountifully with us!
Acts 19
This chapter gives a really good look at the importance of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. When Paul comes to Ephesus, he comes upon some disciples of the Lord. Yet he must have noticed something lacking, because he says, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” They never even heard that there was a Holy Spirit.
So Paul prays with them and this group receives the fullness of what Jesus paid for – and begin praying in tongues and prophesying.
There are many Christians today who think that the gifts have gone away, but they haven’t. Of course, I’m not saying that people can’t be saved without the gifts, but the Christian life is truly empowered by the gifts. I highly recommend seeking all that God has for us.
In my own life, as I was seeking a deeper walk with the Lord, I knew that there was something called “tongues,” but I didn’t know anyone who had that experience. One night, as I was alone praying, I began to babble. To be honest, the experience startled me a little at first. I wasn’t sure about where this was coming from. (Was I going off the deep end)?
After a friend’s encouragement, however, I gained faith in what was happening. The Holy Spirit, who lives on the inside of us as Christians, can actually pray through us with words which are too deep for our understanding. As that happens, we are praying God’s perfect will for ourselves – and for others. We are praying in other tongues – other languages.(Romans 8:26-27)
My first experience came to me over 35 years ago, and that has been a major part of my prayer life ever since. I have literally seen God work miracles in the lives of my family and friends as I have prayed for them that way. And as I have prayed in an unknown tongue, I have increased my sensitivity to the Spirit of God.
At times, He has shown me things as I have prayed. I would suddenly receive wisdom about a particular problem. At other times, He would give me understanding about individuals for whom I was praying.
One of the tremendous benefits of praying in tongues is that your faith rises. It’s as if you are seeing things from a heavenly perspective, a perspective which always is faith-filled.
When you look at the character of Jesus, you see One who was never worried about what was happening. He was never at a loss for words; never confused about what to do. Whether the Pharisees were trying to kill Him or capture Him, He remained above the fray. And that was because of the fullness of the Holy Spirit – at all times leading Him. That’s the perfect picture of One filled with God’s Holy Spirit.
As we seek more of Him, we also are more confident in His guidance through the tricky waters. Our God will empower us and give us the wisdom we need to accomplish our purposes on the earth.
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Psalms 7-9
As we read Psalm 8, we can see David out in the field with his sheep, looking around him at God’s magnificent handiwork. “What is man that Thou art mindful of him? Yet Thou hast made him a little lower than God”(8:4-5).
David has a remarkable understanding of man’s place in God’s plan. “Thou dost make him to rule over the works of Thy hands.”(8:6). While many people of that era consider God to be running the earth as if men were puppets, David grasps the divine plan of man’s purpose. Dominion on the earth.
One of the verses was quoted by Jesus with a different twist. (Matthew 21:16) “From the mouths of infants and nursing babes, Thou hast established strength, because of the adversaries, to make the enemy and vengeful cease.”(8:2) Instead of the word “strength,” however, Jesus substitutes “praise.” So praise is the strength we have to stop the enemy in our lives.
There is a power in praise unto God which is beyond our understanding. When we praise God, our own strength arises. Yet there is more. When we praise God, the enemies flee from around us. They hate to hear that praise. It’s like salt on a wound.
You will continue to see David use that weapon of war. He praises God for being his stronghold in times of trouble. He praises Him for his handiwork. He praises Him for His mercy and forgiveness.
If we follow in David’s footsteps, our lives would be better off. We too would reap the fruit of a life filled with praise to God. Mercy, protection, and divine deliverance.
Acts 18
Paul gains reinforcements as he continues in eastern Europe. Aquila and Priscilla had been sent away from Rome, so they came to reside in Corinth. That’s where Paul met them and started ministering with them. This couple will continue to be helpful to Paul for many years. Since they are tent-makers, as he is, Paul lives with them for a season.
Even though there is some resistance, God speaks to Paul and tells him to stay in Corinth for a while. “For I have many people in this city,”says God. (V. 10). So Paul settles there for a year and a half, which is unusual for this man who is always on the move.
When the Roman official won’t get involved in persecuting Paul, the Jews publicly beat the leader of the synagogue. That’s when it’s time for Paul to leave.
So the gospel continues to be spread – now to Ephesus. These people want Paul to stay and instruct them, but he can’t at the moment. He plans to return, but must first go back to his region for reporting on his work.
Along the way, he also picks up a fellow worker, Apollos. This eloquent man is “mighty in scriptures,”(V. 24), but he doesn’t know about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. When Priscilla and Aquila share this aspect also, he is empowered to be even more of an evangelist.
The troops are gaining in number and in power. Look out, world, changes are coming!
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Psalms 4-6
David had a lot of enemies during his lifetime. In fact, all kings do – and especially those who are following the Lord. Many times in the psalms, we see David running to God because of these enemies. He is asking for mercy and for protection.
Actually, while David is seeking God’s hand, he is also showing his own humility. Even though David is king, and he could have tried to force his enemies to submit to him as did most kings, he didn’t take that route. Instead, David counts on the favor of the Lord to see him through.
David also continually seeks strength to continue in God’s way. “O Lord, lead me in Thy righteousness because of my foes. Make my way straight before me.” (5:8) What a focused heart! Such an example to us.
Many of the kings we have encountered have been completely obstinate against God. When prophets would confront them concerning sinful issues, these obstinate ones would ignore the advice. David has a completely different attitude as he considers his sin. This king wants to “get it right” before God.
When David recognizes his faults, it grieves him and causes anguish. David is a man after God’s own heart, totally dependent on his mercy.
Acts 17: 16-34
“Now all the Athenians and the strangers visiting there used to spend their time in nothing other than telling or hearing something new.”(V. 21) This is where Paul comes and waits for his companions after the persecution in Berea. These Athenians remind me of our modern society. People like to have their ears tickled with new theories of this and that. Therefore they are willing to listen to Paul. It’s something new to them.
Then Paul mentions the inscription he sees. A monument has been erected “To The Unknown God.” (V. 23). That too reminds me of our culture. There are many Christians in our society who don’t know their God very well. To them He is unknown.
It doesn’t have to be that way. When we spend time with Him in prayer and the Word, we get to know Him very well indeed. He wants to have a close walk with us, but we have to do our part.
Paul goes on to say that “in Him we live and move and have our being.” (V. 28). Our God actually lives within us by his Spirit. When we acknowledge Him and spend time with Him, we begin to see the higher calling He has for us. We grow in our understanding of His ways and His character.
We also grow in our ability to hear his voice and to follow His leading.
As Paul gives his dissertation, some mock him and others believe. That too is the way it is today.
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Job 41-42
Well today we get to the end of the book of Job. God is continuing to speak, and Job is listening. “Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook?”(41:1)
Leviathan is another word for a crocodile, but toward the end of the chapter, the reference seems to aim toward Satan himself.
When Job answers, there is total humility before God. He realizes that his speculation has been inaccurate. “Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand, things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.”(42:3)
He goes on to say, “I have heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees Thee.” (42:5)
When we started out, Job was self-assured that he had been this perfect man. Now, as he stands before God, Job realizes how small he really is. He also realizes how great God is. “Therefore I retract and I repent in the dust.” (42:6)
There is a moment for each of us when we face our God. Hopefully, we receive that moment in this life, because we will face Him sooner or later. (It’s not a good thing to wait until later). As Job sees God for the first time, he realizes that no one is “righteous” before God. Our Creator is so holy that there is no human who can compare.
It is in this frame of mind that Job repents and realizes that much of his speculation has been inaccurate.
“God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6)
So God’s grace is poured out upon Job, in that he receives back double what the devil had stolen from him. He had 7,000 sheep before; now he has 14,000. He had 3,000 camels before; now he has 6,000. He had 500 yoke of oxen before; now he has 1,000. He had 500 female donkeys before; now he has 1,000. He goes on to have more children and his life is blessed for 140 more years. Job lives to see his grandchildren to four generations. What a blessed life, wouldn’t you say?
Over the years I have seen many people want to claim that they were going through the “Job experience.” I personally never claim that. Job was not in covenant with God and I am, through Jesus.
Of course, I have had times when obstacles were really prevalent, and “going got tough.”I have recognized those times as times when the devil was raising his head in my life. However, I always sought the Lord for the proper weapons to be used for my defense. I know that my Father is for me, and not against me, and He has provided us with weapons of warfare which destroy the works of the devil.
Remember, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)
Acts 16
After having been forbidden by the Holy Spirit to go into Asia, Paul has a vision of a man from Macedonia calling him to come. So he heeds the Spirit of God and sails to Philippi, a leading city of Macedonia. The episode which ensues is one of Paul’s finest.
As he is preaching the gospel, a young girl is following him, crying out, “These men are bond servants of the Most High God, who are proclaiming to you the way of salvation.” (V. 17). Now since she is speaking the truth, it would be easy to assume that this girl is a witness sent by God. However, she isn’t.
Rather than helping Paul’s mission, the girl is hindering it. Her continual shouting is creating confusion for those trying to hear Paul’s message. So Paul casts a demon of divination out of the girl, and she immediately stops the irritating behavior.
More trouble for Paul and Silas. The girl’s masters had been using her for fortune telling and such., and now with the demon out of her, she has lost her power to do that. So her masters charge the two apostles with “proclaiming customs which it is not lawful for us to accept.”(V.21).
The magistrates tear off the robes of Paul and Silas and beat them with rods. (Inflicting many blows). (V. 23) Then the two are thrown into prison – not just the prison proper, but the “inner prison.”
Now put yourself in their predicament for a moment. You have been stripped and beaten with many blows, so you are bloody and hurting. Then you are thrown into an inner prison where it is dark and moldy. Finally your feet are put in stocks. Your very life is being threatened. What would you do or say? Most people would have a pity party at that point. (We are trying to do God’s will, and this is what we get. Oh, God, where are you?)
Not Paul and Silas. In fact at midnight, they are singing hymns and praises to God so that the other inmates hear them. (They must have been singing pretty loudly). These amazing men of God are showing to all the reality of their faith. Their praises at this dark moment are drawing angels to the scene.
And God shows up! An earthquake shakes the prison and everyone’s chains are unfastened. Imagine that. The moment is so profound to the chief jailer that he runs in and falls down before Paul and Silas asking how he might be saved. This God is real!!
So the first church in Philippi is started by the jailer and his family and friends.
Then Paul brings to the attention of the magistrate that he is a Roman citizen, and he is released.
Once again, what the devil had meant for evil, turned out to be for good. The first church in Philippi was now started on a strong foundation of faith in God’s power.