Read The Bible, July 31

Psalm 54-56

How do you handle stress? Put your trust in God. That’s the only sure way to face the giants in your life.

David was a master at this. When we are reading psalms every day, we can’t help but realize that this man had more than the ordinary share of troubles. Yet he was God’s man of the hour; the apple of His eye. So what’s the matter with all of those people who were chasing him around? They were being led by the devil and didn’t even know it.

Every life has turmoil from time to time –  some more than others. David had lots because of his position as God’s man. There were many who were jealous of him and many others who were being used by the devil to attack God’s point man.

Yet David had a secret. He truly trusted in God, and knew that his God would protect and deliver him in every situation. That’s the attitude we all need to gain in order to have the productive life we desire.

“In God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid. What can man do to me?”(56:11)

So where is your battle? Is there someone at work or at school who seems to be opposed to all that you do? Are your children or spouse experiencing animosity from those around them? Put your trust in God.

When we do things God’s way – trusting in Him and being obedient to His leading, we will see His hand order our steps. He will deal with others on our behalf.

Romans 3 

The early chapters of Romans are truly significant as they introduce the gospel – not only to the Jews, but to the Gentiles.

You can imagine how hard it is for the Jews to understand these new ideas which seem to be so contrary to all that they have known. They have been taught all of their lives that the law was the way to have a relationship with God, and now they are being told something else.

A new day has dawned, and it takes a heart ready to let go of tradition in order to truly follow God. Only the leading of the Holy Spirit can bring these faithful Jews to the true knowledge of what God is doing in this day.

Paul is attempting to explain that the law was good, but no one was made righteous by the law. Righteousness came as a result of the Messiah paying the sin debt and extending that gift to those who would believe in Him.

In fact, he goes on to say, no one is righteous on their own. There is no one who can claim they are just a good person without Jesus. (That’s why other religions can never suffice for a relationship with God).

“All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus.” (V. 23-24)

All have sinned, but all can be saved if they believe in Jesus and accept His sacrifice for themselves. It may be hard to understand, but it’s true. Whether your sin seems great or small in the eyes of man, God sees it the same. Man is in a fallen state without the salvation experience provided by Jesus. But with Jesus, all men can be saved.

That’s why it’s the gospel. Gospel means “good news,” and it’s indeed good news.

I hope that you have accepted Him as your Savior. If not, you can do it right now. If you have accepted Him, let your mind ponder these things as you go about your day. God’s plan is bigger than any of us have grasped. There is always more to learn; more to understand. Let Him teach you.

Read The Bible, July 29-30

Psalm 49-53

In this group of psalms we encounter the selfish rich and the unbeliever. (The fool who says in his heart that there is no God).(53:1). It’s clear that their lives – and their eternities are not to be envied. They may have a few moments of pleasure, but their pleasant lives are short and destruction is their sure end.

Yet in this group of psalms, there is one which really stands out: Psalm 51.

Do you remember the story about David and Bathsheba? He had an adulterous affair with her while her husband was out to battle for the nation of Israel. Then, when she became pregnant, he had her husband killed so that she could be his wife. Certainly that was the low moment of David’s life.

God sends Nathan, the prophet, to David with a message. He tells of two men, one rich and one poor, who lived in the same vicinity. The poor man had only one lamb which he loved so dearly, while the rich man had many. Yet the rich man went over and took the single sheep of his friend. Then Nathan asks, “What should be done?”

Of course, David is outraged at such behavior as he begins to suggest retribution and punishment. Then come Nathan’s famous words, “Thou art the man.” (II Samuel 12:7)

Many people at that point would try to justify themselves or deny any problems existed, but not David. Even though his sin is great, he seems to be shocked back into reality at these words from Nathan. “I have sinned against the Lord.” (II Samuel 12:13). Then come his repentance and turning back to God.

This is where Psalm 51 comes in. This was written by David as he faces the great sin of his life. Be gracious to me, create in me a clean heart, restore the joy of my salvation. All of these words pour out of a repentant heart; a heart which deep within wants to know God and walk with Him.

This quickness to repent is precious in the sight of God. So many want to cover their sins and pretend they aren’t there. If we deal with the sin in our lives, God is quick to forgive and wash us clean. He makes us whiter than snow, and restores the joy of our salvation.

So don’t ever be afraid to go to God with an honest heart. He knows it all anyway; you’re not hiding anything from God. Be honest, receive your forgiveness, and move on to the next level with God. There is tremendous joy in such humility.

Romans 1-2

As we begin the letters written by Paul, we enter a new dimension in our walk with God. We have been through the beginnings of creation and the earliest years. Then we have witnessed the Abrahamic covenant and we have seen how God walked with the Jews over the centuries during that phase of history. We have witnessed the life of Jesus, His death, burial, and resurrection. We have also seen the early history of the church, with the Holy Spirit being sent to live in the hearts of men.

Now we are into the letters from Paul. When the Holy Spirit was sent back to earth, a whole new dispensation began. No longer was man necessarily separated from God. Now, because of the new birth, man could have God living inside of Him – in his heart. The Holy Spirit in the hearts of men can give them insight which was never before possible. Also new anointings and new purpose.

Paul was the one God chose to reveal the mysteries of this new dispensation, and the revelation is shared in his letters. As we read the next books of the Bible, we will encounter the most significant parts of what our Christian life is all about. We will begin to see what Jesus has done for us, and begin to understand what God wants us to do.

So we start with Romans. Paul begins this letter, as he often does, by stating the foundations of the Christian faith, as laid down in the prophets of the Old Testament. Then he goes on to say that the gospel of Jesus is now to all people, the Jews, the Greeks, and even the barbarians. It is to all who will receive the gospel and believe it.

When we get to 1:17, we come to a famous verse. This is the verse which ignited the Protestant reformation under the leadership of Martin Luther. At that time in history, the Catholic church had fallen into lots of falsehood and manipulation. When people sinned, the priests required great retribution as payment. (Often the priests were getting rich off of the sins of their followers). Luther happened to see that the “just shall live by faith.” We are saved by faith. His revelation changed history.

As we go through the letters, I want to encourage you also to ask God for fresh eyes on what is said. What is the Holy Spirit speaking to you as you read?

One thing is for sure. No one has ever lived up to the fullness of what Jesus paid the price for. As we continue each day reading and listening to His Spirit, we will grow in our understanding and our ability to carry out God’s plan for us. If we continue, we will continue to grow until the day we die.

I want to reach all that my Father has for me. I don’t want to sit down at any given point. I want to keep growing until my last breath! That’s God’s way.

Read The Bible, July 28

Psalm 46-48

These three psalms are by sons of Korah also, but they are definitely positive, praise psalms.

The first has a couple of famous verses in it.

“God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in time of trouble.Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea.”(46:1)

Our God is always reliable for those who trust Him, and this psalm says it very well. At the end, we see the verse, “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted above the nations, I will be exalted above the earth.” (46:10)

If you are going through difficult times, these verses have the ability within them to cause peace to pour down upon you like oil from heaven. There are times when you will find yourself worked up and trying to solve your problems through merely natural means. When you allow yourself to partake of God’s psychiatry in this way, you are better able to do the things which you are required to do. You will do them in peace and not in frustration.

The next two psalms extol God, His power, and the finality of His rule.

Psalm 48 expounds on a concept we encountered when we were watching David rule the kingdom. Zion is in the heart of Jerusalem, and it is the place where the Ark of the Covenant is set up with praisers before it night and day. This represents the presence of God.

Today we know that God’s presence resides within the hearts of believers. Yet when we see this psalm we get some insight into just how significant God’s presence is to us. When we honor the Zion which is in our hearts, we honor His presence. Having our God with us is the most precious part of our lives.

Zion is truly in our hearts! The greatest joy imaginable!

Acts 28

Remember Jesus saying, “These signs shall follow those who believe…they shall pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not harm them?” Well this is fulfilled in Paul on the Island of Malta.

As Paul is putting wood on the fire they are building, a viper comes out and fastens on his hand. It is a deadly viper, causing the natives think that he will surely die, and must be a murderer being judged by God. He shakes it off and lives, however, just as Jesus had predicted. (Now the natives think that he is a god).

Well, Paul finally makes it to Rome as God had intended. He first speaks to the Jewish leaders, trying to introduce the gospel. Just as in every place he has gone, there are those who believe and those who don’t. (It’s still that way today, isn’t it)?

Thankfully, however, for two full years Paul is able to stay in his own rented quarters. He is preaching the kingdom of God to all who will listen, and teaching concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all openness, unhindered.

God’s will is being fulfilled in Paul as he is able to so freely share the gospel with these new people. Next we will start the book of Romans, the letter Paul writes to these friends he is meeting in Rome. We will see the clarity of what Paul is telling these new believers, and our own faith will be sharpened ins the process.

Read The Bible, July 25

Psalm 37-39

As you read Psalm 37, you can almost feel God’s peace pour over you like liquid gold. There may be times when our souls are burdened and we start looking around to see if we are being treated justly. In those times, we are not to fret. If we “trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness,” (37: 3), He will show Himself strong on our behalf.

So who inherits the land? The faithful, those who “wait for the Lord,” and the humble. (9, 11). The arrogant and the self-reliant are out of God’s will. Sometimes people want to “make it happen,” at any cost. They may even run rough-shod over others to “make it happen.”

God’s way is different. When we are in His will, we wait patiently for Him, knowing that He will accomplish what concerns us. We must trust.

Some of the most famous verses are in this psalm. “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” (37:4) Some interpret this as saying that He will do whatever you want Him to. I have a different take on it.

When our lives are totally committed to the Lord, He drops His desires into our hearts – and then He completes them. One way that His will is made known to us is through our desires – if we are walking closely with Him. Praying and meditating on the Word.

Another famous verse is related. “The steps of a man are established by the Lord, and He delights in His way.”(37:23).

Or what about this one, “I have been young and now I am old; yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his descendants begging  bread.”(37:25).

Or “Wait for the Lord, and keep His way, and He will exalt you to inherit the land.”(37:34).

Immediately after this beautiful psalm, David has a down-turn. It’s almost shocking to see his attitude change so quickly, but we are getting used to David by now. He doesn’t try to hide his emotions from the Lord. He very quickly and easily pours out his heart – whether it is a good day or a bad one.

He’s having a few bad days, just as we do sometimes. But David  is still counting on the Lord to hear his prayers and to deliver him out of the burden of sin.

And he won’t be disappointed. Neither will we.

Acts 26

Paul has his chance to preach the gospel to King Agrippa. He eloquently shares once again his testimony. Paul had been a Pharisee, putting to death the Christians, when a bright light from Heaven arrested him and Jesus called him into the ministry.

Paul’s words are so anointed that King Agrippa says, “In a short time, you will persuade me to be a Christian.”(V. 28)

Then later Agrippa says, “This man might have been set free if he had not appealed to Caesar.”(V. 32)

If you recall, the Lord had already spoken to Paul, saying that He was sending him to Rome. The gospel was to be preached in the very epicenter of the Roman empire – Rome itself. God chose to have Paul arrested and to appeal to Rome so that he could be transported there and have an audience with Caesar himself.

So to Rome he will go. God’s will is being accomplished.


Read The Bible, July 23-24

Psalm 33-36

The Lord looks from heaven and sees all of the sons of men. That’s the theme of the 33rd psalm. We are reminded that our God is the One who fashioned all of the earth and all that is in it. He sees all that is happening. And His eye is upon the righteous to deliver our souls from the evil which tries to come upon us.

“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and rescues them.”(34:7) It’s always been amazing to me that David has such a mature understanding of God’s ways.  In a time when angels and demons were not discussed that much, David seems to be very aware of their involvement in our lives. In fact, his psalms teach the rest of us about the angels.

Obviously, much of what David wrote was prophetic. Through this king, God was showing us things to come, and allowing us to peep into His kingdom. So it is with David’s mentioning of angels.As we continue in the psalms we are made aware of the working of angels. They encamp around us – and rescue us.

Are you aware of angels around you? We usually don’t see them, but they are there – just as David says. I have been aware of their presence in my life on several occasions. I’m quite sure that angels have aided me in avoiding wrecks which seemed imminent. They have also brought supernatural provision from time to time.

When we realize that God is watching over us and that angels are around us, we have to be more confident in the state of our well-being. His lovingkindness extends to the heavens and His faithfulness reaches to the skies.

How could we be afraid of anything which could come our way?

Acts 24-25

Paul goes before the Roman governor, Felix, and his Jewish wife, Drusilla. The Jewish leaders, with their spokesperson Tertullus, start accusing Paul of being a “real pest” and “stirring up dissension among the Jews.” They just don’t realize the source of their anguish.

As Paul speaks for himself, Felix can find nothing wrong. However, he becomes afraid when Paul is talking about righteousness and judgment. This is just too much to bear, so the governor sends God’s man to the prison, where he is kept for two years. (At least he’s still alive).

Festus succeeds Felix as governor and the Jews try to run their death plan by him also. Once again these men ask for Paul to be brought before the court and they plan an ambush. But once again, their plan is foiled.

After all of his testimony, Paul is asked by festus if he would go to Jerusalem to be tried. Of course, Paul appeals to Caesar, and Festus has to agree. Appealing to Caesar was a right of any Roman citizen who felt that his rights were not being properly applied. So to Caesar he will go.

Interestingly, when King Agrippa visits, Festus shares the problem. The Jews are accusing this man Paul, but Festus doesn’t really understand what the charges are. He discusses it with Agrippa. This is indeed a strange case for them.

Of course, in the meantime, Felix, Festus, and soon Agrippa have the gospel preached to them. In the near future, the people of Rome will hear also. God has a plan and it is working. The gospel will be preached in Rome.

If you want God’s plans to work in your own life, trust Him. There will be times when it will look like the plans are not working, but they are. When you are trusting God and being obedient to Him, His plans will always be working in your life, just like we see in Paul’s.