by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Isaiah 37-39
Have you ever felt besieged on all sides? If so, I have good news for you. You have a God who is able and willing to handle any circumstance.
Hezekiah, who had tried to turn Judah back to the Lord, found himself in a position of profound distress. The Assyrian army had already besieged the nations around him, and they surrounded this small country as well. The mocking spirits started bullying Hezekiah – and even spoke directly to the people telling them not to trust in God. “He will not help you,” was the arrogant cry of the invaders.
In the natural, there was no hope. The Assyrian army was strong and mean, and very capable of doing what they threatened.
But with God, there is always hope. In fact, there is nothing too difficult for our God.
Hezekiah turned to prayer and fasting. He also consulted with Isaiah, the prophet.
The Word of the Lord was a good one – and a strong one. When Sennacherib, the Assyrian king, came against Israel, he also came against God Himself. The Lord promised that “Sennacherib shall not come to this city, nor shoot an arrow there; neither shall he come before it with a shield, nor throw up a mound against it. By the way that he came, he shall return, and not come back again.” (37:33-34)
That’s exactly what happened – with a little help from God’s angel. 185,000 troops died during the night, and when the Assyrian army arose the next morning, that’s what they found! Needless to say, the king’s plans changed, and he turned and went home, just as the prophecy declared.
The God who protected Hezekiah is with you today. If you are surrounded, His protection is available to you also.
Now we are not talking about God killing those mean people around you. We don’t war against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces around us. Demons, principalities, etc.
We can count on the power of God working on our behalf, if we are His and doing things His way.
Our biggest job is to saturate ourselves in His Word to the place where we believe Him to the fullest measure. God is faithful. His Word is true.
He can accomplish all things for you also.
Colossians 4
As Paul continues his letters from prison, (talk about making lemonade out of lemons. Paul could have sat around feeling sorry for himself; instead he conducted his greatest ministry – the epistles we hold so dear), he covers a variety of subjects. He explains the mystery revealed to him by the Holy Spirit, and he gives lots of practical advice relating to the walk of a true Christian.
At the end of each letter, he starts with various points specifically for that church, but ones which we can take to heart also.
My favorite verse in this chapter is the one in which he says to Archippus, “Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it.”
That charge is one which we all need to heed. We are not all in full-time ministry, but all of us are called to do something – and to further the gospel in our corner of the world.
One of the darkest things which came out of the dark ages was the concept that the priests knew everything and their “subjects” were to just sit and listen. No and a thousand times, “No!”
The vestiges which still remain from that evil concept cause people to think that if they go to church on Sunday morning and sit and listen, they have “done their duty.” There is so much more to our walk than that.
Our Father God has called us to a life lived for Him – and that includes all of us. We all have gifts and talents put there by God, and lives lived for Him will use those for his purposes.
Do you have the gift of giving? Of exhorting? Of teaching? Of administrations? All of these are from God and when all are implementing the gifts He gave, our homes and churches run like well-oiled machines. When we don’t, the “preachers” are carrying loads they are not gifted for, and things don’t go so well.
Beyond these gifts, we all have the call of evangelism to those around us. Our family, our neighbors, and our co-workers need the gifts you have within you. They need your exhortation or teaching. They need your love and caring. They need for you to be an example of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And besides those around us being enriched, we benefit as well when we give our gifts. We all will have happier and more fulfilling lives when we “take heed – and fulfill our ministry.”
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Isaiah 1-2
The Holy Spirit will “disclose to us what is to come.” (John 16:13)
In the Chronicles we saw the history of Israel – how it split into two kingdoms. We also saw the kings as they would rise and fall, based on their faithfulness to God. The northern kingdom, Israel, never turned back to God. They went through some imitations of worship, but their hearts were always filled with admiration for the idols of their neighbors.
The southern kingdom, Judah, however, had some faithfulness from time to time. Good kings would arise, and then bad kings would follow. The temptation was always there to substitute idols for the true God of Israel
As we come to the books of the prophets, we see a foreshadowing of what we read in John. And there is no greater foreshadowing of God’s prophetic gift than the book of Isaiah. He lived and prophesied during the last days of Israel – just before they were taken into captivity by Assyria, and during the days before Judah was captured by Babylon.
Babylon hadn’t been established yet, but Isaiah prophesied that Judah would fall to them. He saw the same errors occurring in the southern kingdom that he had seen in the northern, and his observations were dire.
All of Israel at one time had been such a holy people. God had created them as a nation and nurtured them as His own. He dramatically led them out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. He gave them a degree of prosperity which no nation had ever known before.
As we begin the prophecies of Isaiah, we see that things have changed. God’s people are not acting like they are His. They have turned to the idols around them and they have diluted their worship of Him.
There are warnings and there are promises which we will see throughout Isaiah’s book. If the people continue to desert God, He will no longer be faithful to them. Yet if they return, they will be blessed as before. The choice is theirs.
The good news is that “in the last days, the mountain of the Lord will be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills, and all nations shall stream to it.”(2:2).
Today is that day – the day in which the Lord Jesus has paid the price for us, and brought redemption to the world – to all who call upon His name. People from every nation are streaming to the One True God.
The Word hasn’t reached all, but it’s reached many. And there are many around the world who are continuing to stream to His Mountain. And there will be many more.
Ephesians 1
It’s time for us to realize what Christ has done for us, rise up, and live in His best. If we can just get this, our lives will be forever different.
There are some prayers in Ephesians which, if prayed daily, will change our lives. One of these in this first chapter.
Paul says that he is thankful for the Ephesians and their faithfulness to the Lord.
He prays that God will give them a “spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.”(V.17) and that the “eyes of their understanding will be opened so that they may know the great things of God.”(V. 18). These include His riches, His glory, and “the exceeding greatness of His power toward those who believe.” (V. 19).
When you read verses 18- 21, you will get an ear full! In fact you will have to read it several times even to understand what he is saying. But it is powerful, and the more you understand it, the more powerful it becomes.
So I would like to suggest that you read this prayer and pray it for yourself everyday for a while.
If our eyes are ever opened to see what our Lord has done for us, we won’t have trouble having faith. We will know from the depths of our beings that our God is working on our behalf – while we are praying.
It’s an exciting life we have before us. Let’s choose to live it with gusto!
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Proverbs 26-29
Don’t you just love proverbs? There is one bit of truth after another – on many differing subjects. I know some people who read one proverb a day everyday – all year. They soak themselves in this wisdom as they carry on their business, interact with family and friends, and generally go about their days.
We have seen wisdom concerning honesty, hard work, truthfulness, our words, and many other subjects. Today, we see a ,lot about friends.
“Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy.” (27:6)
So why would that be? A sincere friend will be honest with you and me, because they desire the best for us. They won’t lie to us just to make us feel good, if they know the end will hurt us. If something needs to be said for our benefit, a sincere friend will say it.
An enemy is just the opposite. He will flatter you for his own advantage. That’s why many kisses from an enemy don’t mean anything. Be wary of those who try to trick you by their smooth tongue.
“Iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.”(27:17)
Continuing along the same vein, one of the true values of friendship – along with enjoyment of each other – is that good friends actually help us to stay on our best game. They sharpen us – and we sharpen them. Sometimes that “sharpening” is done through honest advice. Yet most of the time it’s done through bouncing thoughts off of each other.
When my husband and I are sharing insights into scripture with each other, he calls it “striking and igniting.” We both get energized by the conversation. It starts a fire in each of us to take our walk to the next level. Not only to continue in what we know to do, but to reach deeper into the vision and the plan.
That’s what true friendship will do for each of us.
II Corinthians 10-11
From the earliest days, fallen human nature was obviously trying to dominate God’s plan. Paul had to address this.
He was a true apostle. This man of God didn’t try to exalt himself. Paul wasn’t a smooth-talking preacher who swayed people by his charismatic presence. He was a humble man, but one who truly walked in God’s greatest purpose for his life.
Unfortunately, some of the smooth-talkers came along and tried to persuade the people to follow them instead of Paul. And their teaching was in error.
That’s why Paul lists all of his credentials – apologizing as he does. He wants the people to know that he is the true teacher and not the others. God’s truth is not based on someone who is silver-tongued.
This is a principle we need to be aware of in our day. With the rise of media, there are many silver-tongued preachers who are not representing the truth. That’s not to say that it’s wrong to be charismatic. But you can’t follow someone just because they are charismatic.
Look at the Word and let that guide you. Are they preaching the truth, charismatic or not? That’s who you want to listen to. If they are preaching error, run as fast as you can away from their teaching.
It’s like Paul said, “I didn’t come to you with beautiful speech, but with demonstrations of God’s power.”
Some of the most powerful teaching and example I have ever encountered have come from humble, soft-spoken people. People who live the Word and not just talk about it.
That’s the way I want to be. I want my life to be a written epistle of God’s goodness.
And I want Him to get the credit.
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Proverbs 21-25
What does the Lord want from you and me? Does He want sacrifice? Does He want us just to give up everything?
There is a lot in the Bible about our Father’s expectations. Several times He makes reference to the fact that He doesn’t want our sacrifice. He wants our hearts.
Over the years I have known a number of people who were very sacrificial in their giving of money. Sometimes their hearts were right; sometimes they were not.
I have seen those who have given a lot to the church or to other causes, with expectations of many thanks for it. They did it for show – and to lift themselves up. Then I have seen others who have given significant amounts and have thought that somehow they have purchased special honor from God. They have not allowed Him to deal with their hearts – and as a result, they have been ornery and judgmental. But they gave.
“The Lord is more pleased when we do what is right and just than when we offer Him sacrifices.”(21:2)
When we allow our Father to correct us and strengthen us, we will give to Him – out of a pure heart. Then we will also be kind and just toward others. We will not lift ourselves up, but we will lift Him up.
That’s the sacrifice our Father wants. He wants our hearts – filled with praise toward Him.
In fact, the proverb goes on to say, “The sacrifice of an evil person is detestable, especially when it is offered with wrong motives.” (21:27)
Enough said about that!
Will I give? Of course I will. But not in place of my relationship with Him – and not trying to buy His blessings.
I give because I love Him.
II Corinthians 8-9
While we are on the subject of money and giving, the Lord has a lot to say about it here.
We don’t give just to receive blessings. However, when we give with the right motives, we can know that our God will bless us abundantly.
“Our God is able to make all grace abound toward you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.” (9:8)
Keywords: always, sufficiency, abundance.
Think about what this is saying. When we are walking with our Lord in truth, allowing Him to lead us and guide us, and when we are giving as He leads, we can expect supernatural provision.
I personally have seen this happen. There have been times when there would be a need that seemed impossible at the time. Yet every time our Father has come through for me.
Four children through college, weddings, traveling needs, needs of the church. You name it. There has always been a way provided so that “all-sufficiency” was there.
I don’t desire to live a materialistic life, yet I do enjoy nice things. And my God has more than supplied – and He is continuing to do so.
Now let’s go on. “He provides seed to the sower… He will supply and multiply your seed.” (9:10)
This is the Word of God. He will supply your seed and multiply it if you are a sower into His kingdom.
I don’t know about you, but I love to sow – and I want to be a sower all the days of my life. There’s no greater joy than giving when He prompts me to. (And sometimes when He doesn’t).
When you “live to give,” as the saying goes, you will find your own needs being met in unusual ways – but they will be met.
It’s a fun life!
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Proverbs 9-12
Instruct a wise man and he will become wiser still … but not the fool. “Don’t bother correcting mockers; they will only hate you.” (9:8 NLT).
These four proverbs explain in detail the difference between the wise man and the fool.
The wise man is industrious, humble, teachable, truthful, and just to all. His words are true and full of kindness and mercy. He has a desire to bless those around him, not taking advantage of others, and not thinking too highly of himself.
The fool is just the opposite. He puts himself on a pedestal and takes no instruction. In fact, because of his pride, he mocks advice and correction. He is dishonest and mean to others. And he often is lazy – trying to reap where he didn’t sow. His words often hurt those around him, as he tries to control them – and have his own way.
So what is the fruit of each man? What does he obtain for his chosen path?
The rewards are decidedly different as well. The wise man receives honor, riches, long life, a happy peaceful family – and a close walk with the Lord. His favor and His blessing.
The fool continues down the destructive path and reaps that reward. Hatred, strife in his home, poverty, illness, and everything we don’t want!
I know the path that I want to take. In fact, I want to be in dead center of it.
Lord, forgive me when I am proud and arrogant. Teach me your ways, and I want to be true to You all the days of my life.
II Corinthians 5
When we come to Christ we become new creatures in Him. Old things are passed away and all things become new – and all of these new things are from God. (V 17-18).
Such a mystery; so supernatural. Yet it’s absolutely the truth.
I am reminded of a story I read about Augustine. (You know, St. Augustine).
Before he became a Christian, he was an atheist and an extremely worldly person. During this time in his life, he lived with a woman for many years.
He finally received Jesus and was born again – to this new life we are talking about.
Many years went by and Augustine happened to run into his former lover. She came running to meet him, calling out his name. He ignored her and didn’t stop to talk. She said, “Augustine! Look at me. It is I.” He turned and said, “But you don’t understand. It is not I.”
Augustine was so aware of the new creature which God had made him that he didn’t even identify with his “old man.”
Now I admit that was extreme, and I think he should have stopped to witness to her. However, that’s not the point. The point is that he saw himself as a completely new individual – now a child of God. He no longer saw himself as he had been.
If we could just “get” this concept, our lives would be so different. We would be pursuing this new life we have , and not just trying to live in both worlds – the old and the new.
“All of this is a gift from God.” (V. 18). Let’s receive our gift and live in this new life He has made for us – with the Holy Spirit as our Teacher, and His Word as our guide.