Clay Nash, Prophet to the Nation

Clay Nash, Prophet to the Nation

Book Signing (Southaven)

Where do I start?

My husband and I have known Clay and Susan Nash for many years – and their friendship has been invaluable. They ministered at the church we founded in North Mississippi and we have had the opportunity to minister at their church. They have been mentors, but much more. They have been true friends.

I don’t know anyone who has been busier than Clay and Susan, but they always have time for a word, a prayer, or some much-needed advice. Like I said, true friends.

So what keeps them so busy?

First and foremost, they stay busy stewarding City Gate Southaven, the remarkable church they founded in this Memphis suburb. From there they have raised up a healthy, spirit filled group who minister – not only to the surrounding area, but also to the territory and to the nation through his affiliation with Dutch Sheets and NEI. He frequently speaks in conferences – and leads prayer initiatives throughout the nation.


Encounter With a Ukrainian Child

Encounter With a Ukrainian Child

I have a new keepsake. It’s  a little wrinkled, and not quite balanced in proportion, but it is beautiful. And beautiful for a special reason.

My husband and I just returned from Ukraine and Poland, where we had the privilege of speaking to several groups of people. One was at an orphanage in Kiev.

When we arrived, we saw a group of beautiful children playing in the backyard. Their eyes sparkled and their faces beamed as they met the new Americans who had come to visit.

Through their interpreter they were full of questions. “Do you have any children?” “What is your favorite thing to eat?” and the one I hate – “How old are you?” Then they giggled as they heard my replies.

After a period of this quasi-conversation, I retreated to inside where the adults were gathered.

Then came the special moment.

A little girl, probably 9 years old, brought me a present. The glue wasn’t quite dry, so I had to hold it carefully at first. This precious little girl had brought me a piece of artwork she had made for me. There was some paint, some glue, and a few leaves and wildflowers. A beautiful creation.

Memories flashed of my own children bringing me such treasures – many years ago. I also thought about the creations which had come from my grandchildren.

But this one was unique. This art treasure – along with the smile – were the only ways Olena could communicate with me. We didn’t speak the same language, but we could demonstrate the same language. The language of love.

I plan to frame my new treasure and keep it as a reminder. A reminder of the human heart and the kindness that we see.

This little girl didn’t have a happy home for security. She was isolated from family who could bring her love and moral support. Yet here she was showing me perfect love and kindness.

My new treasure also reminds me of the human desire to have purpose. Olena wanted to create something beautiful – and she sought to be a giver. In her action she showed her desire to be significant. And she was.

I carefully inserted this new work of art into a plastic bag and found a secure spot in my luggage. This was significant to me, and I wanted to make certain that it made it home in a good state.

As we look around us, we see many children who are yearning to be significant. Of course, they are all significant to God, but many don’t know it. They may have turbulent homes which don’t encourage them. They even may be demeaned by those closest to them.

That’s why it’s important for God’s people to show these little ones something different. A smile or a word of encouragement can be helpful. If there’s a chance for greater interaction, take it. Your actions might be just what the little ones need to bring them to a higher place in God.

Reach out. Take the time. Show them love.

That’s what I plan to do.

In as much as you have done it unto the least of these, you have done it unto me, also.

Keep Moving Forever Upward!



Stay Strong

The little girl, curls bobbing, confidently nestled into the chair right in front of the podium. She had almost run from the very back in order to acquire this select spot. She didn’t want to miss a thing.

All around her the adults smiled at her anticipation, but they were perplexed. Children didn’t often desire to be up front. It was unusual for children to exhibit such excitement over such events.

Then Oral Roberts, the famous healing minister climbed onto the platform, and a hush came over the audience. Praise filled the tent and an amazing night of God’s presence was underway. This was one of his famous healing services during the days when Dr. Roberts carried his huge tent from city to city.

The little girl was not disappointed. Her jaw dropped as she saw a grapefruit-sized goiter disappear from a lady’s neck. And there was much more. Person after person received God’s touch –  straightening legs, healing cancer, and delivering from depression.

The girl was hooked. At 10 years old she had witnessed some of God’s miracle working power, and she knew from that moment that she wanted to be part of His miracle-working army.

Several decades have passed since that moment.

Last week the evangelist who was that little girl came to our church and it was obvious that she and God have maintained that special connection. Elaine Hollmer has a healing ministry with many testimonies. And a boldness for God’s purposes which is rare. She has made a name for herself as one of God’s “stokers.” When the coals grow dim in the hearts of Christians, God sends her to stoke them, causing the flames to rise again.

Over the decades since I became a Christian I have seen many people come and go. I have known men and women who at one time were on fire for God, but whose hearts have grown cold. There are others who are still going through the motions, but you sense that there is a quiet desperation in their ministry.

Not so with Elaine Hollmer. She exhibits greater zeal – and greater fruit – than she did the first time I saw her many years ago. Full of love, full of anointing, full of God’s healing touch, and changing lives in the process.

Elaine’s diligence is evident. “Through faith and patience she has inherited God’s promises,” (Heb. 6:12)

You can’t stay in ministry for decades without some challenges coming your way. I don’t know what hers have been, but I know that she has met them head on.

Something very interesting is that when you see a person who has walked closely with God for a number of years, you see a sweetness and humility which can only come through time. But also a boldness – and does she ever have boldness! A holy boldness which stirs hearts for more of God.

Well, I’m stirred.

We have some exciting years ahead. There’s a Great Awakening on the horizon and I want to be a full-fledged participant, don’t you?

Let’s Stay Strong – and Finish Strong.



What Would It Take For Revival?

What Would It Take For Revival?

A few years ago my husband and I had the privilege of accompanying Apostle Ken Malone and a group he had assembled. He wanted us to witness first hand the miracles which God had performed in Clay County, Kentucky. A few years prior to that there had been a major revival which had impacted the entire area and Ken wanted us to see it for ourselves. As we listened to the testimonies of person after person, we could only marvel at the goodness of God.

Prior to the revival, Clay County, Kentucky was famous all over the nation and beyond –  but not for the right reasons. It was famous for being the drug capital of the United States.  As much as 40% of the population was growing marijuana. There were even suggestions that Daniel Boone National Forest was being turned into the world’s largest Pot farm.

The county was also known for being the illegal prescription drug capital of the country. People were openly selling the drugs with no pretense of secrecy. There was one dealer who opened a window of his house for a drive-through dispensary. People would line up for their drugs in a fashion similar to a trip through McDonald’s.

Needless to say, many of the ministers and serious Christians were lamenting the facts, but feeling helpless in the presence of such blatant sin. Obviously, for such drug dealings to be the norm, there was much corruption throughout the region. Politicians, law enforcement officers, and even judges were involved in the payoff.

Along with the drug dealing, violence and poverty prevailed. Families were torn apart and children neglected. Murders and violent fights were common. Deaths from overdoses were the norm. Education levels were at an all-time low. (more…)

A Moment of Candor

A Moment of Candor

My heart is so full this morning, it’s hard for me to settle into my post. Our Pastor started a series on Eternity yesterday, and thoughts began exploding within me.

First of all, I was drawn back to the passages within Isaiah which speak of the greatness of God. When you have been in ministry for awhile, it’s easy to acknowledge God’s magnificence, but not really meditate on it. Your concentration is on His greatness, but also on your place in His plan and what you need to be doing.

Today is different. Today I stand in awe of His greatness – and the realization of our smallness in the big scheme of things. When you contemplate eternity, you realize how truly small on the timeline is our lifetime. Even if we live 100 prosperous and prolific years, we are less than a speck on eternity.

When you contemplate this, His tremendous love for us and desire to fellowship with us is even more amazing. What an awesome God and Father we have. Our minds can’t comprehend His vastness or His love. Truly amazing.

Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, and marked off the heavens by the span, and calculated the dust of the earth by the measure, and weighed the mountains in the balance, and the hills in a pair of scales?

Who has directed the Spirit of the Lord, or as His counselor informed Him? With whom did He consult and who gave Him understanding? And who taught Him in the path of knowledge and informed Him in the way of understanding?

Behold the nations are like a drop from a bucket, and are regarded as a speck of dust on the scales.       Isaiah 40:12-15

There is something else which rushes into my mind also, and that is pity for those who don’t know Him.

  • I feel such sorrow for the many who are suffering  in the world and don’t know about the Savior and their opportunity  to know Him.
  • I feel sorrow for the foolish “intellectuals” who want to prove everything by scientific method, and yet defy all science in order to prove that everything “just happened.” That some “big bang” created all of the order we see, when all of science proves that order never comes from “big bangs” – only disorder does.
  • I feel sorrow for the people who think that their moment of celebrity and prosperity is all that there is, when their lives are but a speck, and none of what they are seeking matters in the long run.
  • I feel sorrow for Christians who believe in Jesus and yet deny Him by their actions.
  • I feel sorrow for Christians who believe in Jesus, but are too busy with other things to let Him matter very much.

Yet in all of this, I feel thankfulness to my awesome Father God that He will make Himself known to any who want to know the truth. I know that on the horizon is a Great Awakening which will be revealed to the world.

I also know that many who don’t believe now will be drawn to the truth and to His kingdom when they see the signs and wonders which will be displayed in days ahead.

He will show Himself strong to those whose hearts are sincere and willing to listen to Him.

He is an Awesome God.