II KIngs 19-21
Right in the middle of all of those worthless kings, here comes one who trusts the Lord.
Let’s backtrack just a little to see Hezekiah’s character. He had” removed the high places, broke down the sacred pillars, and broke in pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made”(18:4. (The bronze serpent, which God had told Moses to make during the wilderness had become an idol. The people would worship the serpent, instead of God).
In fact, Hezekiah trusted in the Lord so that there was none like him of all the kings of Judah.(18:5)
Hezekiah of Judah watches as his brother kingdom, Israel, gets taken off to Assyria. He must have been in shock as he saw what was happening to them. After the Lord’s dealing with them for many years, He finally gives them up to the foreign army. Yet Judah is left.
Now the threat is knocking at the door of Hezekiah’s nation. Rabshakeh and his large army surround Jerusalem and taunt them. The priests ask them to speak in Aramaic, since they will understand and the common people won’t. But the bold Rabshakeh speaks louder in Judean, “Don’t listen to your king. He can’t save you, and his Lord can’t save you.”
However, through Isaiah the prophet, God speaks to Hezekiah. In addressing the Assyrians, He says, “Whom have you reproached and blasphemed?…the Holy One of Israel.”(19:32)
Assyria had already overcome many nations around, and Judah seemed an easy prey. Yet God showed himself strong on behalf of His nation. In th middle of the night an angel of the Lord went out a struck 185,000 troops. So the king of Assyria departed and returned home…and as he worshipped Nisroch his god, some of his men came in and killed him.
So our Father is still blessing this nation.From all of the twelve tribes only Judah is left, but this remnant is God’s remnant and as long as they trust Him, He will be faithful.
You might look around and think that most people don’t believe or trust God. They see promises in the Bible, but they don’t believe them – why should you?
We serve an amazing God. He will be faithful to fulfill His covenant to those who believe Him. That’s the key, we have to believe Him.
John 4: 1-30
We meet the first woman evangelist.
The religion of the day didn’t allow for Jews to speak to Samaritans, and it didn’t allow for men to speak privately with women. The disciples were shocked when they saw their Savior breaking all the rules. What was going on?
Well, Jesus was showing the world that His love would overpower the sin of the world. This woman had had five husbands and now was just living with a man, but Jesus showed her God’s love and respect, which changed her life.
We get introduced to the “living water” which we will hear a lot about. Jesus speaks of the Holy Spirit which will come into us when we believe on Him. He is likened to a “spring of living water which bubbles up out of us, giving us wisdom and life.”(V. 14)
He also introduces the concept of worshipping in spirit and truth. Our worship is not formulas and rituals, but a heart which truly follows after Him.
This woman, having received respect and God’s love for the first time, can’t wait to tell her friends. She runs into the city and tells everyone that she has met the Messiah.
An evangelist is born.
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