Psalm 70-72
David’s prophetic bent continues as he presents a more detailed understanding of the coming Messiah. The true King of Israel wil also be the King of the whole earth.
“As long as the sun and moon endure, throughout all generations, they will fear You.”(72:5)
“He shall have dominion also from sea to sea…Yes, all kings shall bow down before Him.”(72:8,11)
“He will deliver the needy.”(72:12)
“His Name shall endure forever.”(72:17)
“And let the whole earth be filled with His glory.” (72:19)
As we meditate on these verses, we see a picture of the coming King. He is clearly not just for the Jews, but for all throughout the world who believe in Him.
When we see such a clear projection of God’s plan, it makes me wonder why the Pharisees and other leaders had a hard time with the gospel being preached to all nations. They probably didn’t pay much attention to the scriptures which didn’t agree with what they already thought.
That’s still a tendency today. (Actually, it’s always been a tendency). It’s human nature to dig out the scriptures which agree with our doctrine and pound those over and over. Then if we come to some which don’t agree with what we already believe, we dismiss them.
If we are to grow as Christians, we need to see the whole counsel of God. As we are reading scriptures, there will be times when our beliefs will be challenged. When that happens, those challenging scriptures are the very ones we need to hear. We need to break out of the box we have built and reach for more of what our God has for us.
None of us knows it all. We will be learning and growing all the days of our lives, if we are living for Him. So don’t be afraid to be challenged.
Reach for all that He has for you. That’s how we move from “glory to glory.”
Romans 8:18-49
These verses are some of the most significant in the whole Bible. Paul is sharing his insights into the power of the new birth and the indwelling Holy Spirit.
There is a glory which will be revealed in due time which shall be beyond anything we have imagined. There is a plan of God to transform us and His creation to the perfection He intended all along. In the meantime, we patiently wait for His coming plan.
Now this is the mystery being revealed in these verses: the whole creation is waiting for the revealing of the sons of God. And who are they? They are us! We are the sons of God.
There are three Greek words for “sons.” One means babes, one means young children, and one means mature sons. This word in Romans 8 is huios, or mature sons. This word also means “pupil.” So the whole creation is waiting for the mature pupils of God to be revealed. When these mature pupils of God show up, they will take their rightful place and operate in the way God has intended.
Part of the plan is for these mature sons to allow the Holy Spirit to pray through them. Verse 26 addresses this issue. The Holy Spirit of God helps our prayers when we don’t know how to pray. He intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. (We pray in the spirit).
He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because he makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.(26-28).
When we look at these verses we see how important our prayers are in the big scheme of things. In God’s plan, when we allow the Spirit to direct our prayers, we are praying according to the perfect will of God. And when we do that, we know that will these things are working together for the good.
If God is for us, who can be against us? The answer is “no one.” No one can stand before the God of the universe. When He is standing with us, there is no demon or human being around who can stop His purpose. God’s purpose in our lives is absolute – when we are walking closely with Him.
Nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Nothing!
My husband and I start every day with a recognition of God’s unwavering love for us. His lovingkindness is everlasting. Whatever we face, we know that our God is with us, and He will neither fail us nor forsake us.