Psalm 110-112
Our dominion has been restored! That’s what Psalm 110 is all about.
“The Lord says to my Lord.” (110:1) refers to God speaking to Jesus (Mentioned in Acts 2:34-35).
“Sit at My right hand, until I make Thine enemies a footstool for Thy feet. The Lord will stretch forth Thy strong scepter from Zion, saying, ‘Rule in the midst of Thine enemies.'”We see the prophetic picture of our current day. Jesus is seated at the right hand of our Father, and He will wait there until His enemies are made a footstool. Now here is the important part for us. God says to us that we are to rule with the rod out of Zion.
What am I talking about? Zion is a type for the presence of God and the rod is a type for his Word. When we are saturated with His presence and power, we speak the Word out into the atmosphere and rule over the enemy. Angels hearken to the voice of His word and obey it.(Remember Psalm 103)? Demons have to obey it also.
God’s Word is the powerful ruling tool of the born again believer. Wow! We have a job to do, don’t we?
On to Psalm 112. This is one of my favorite psalms.
If you ever have a bad day, run to this psalm and you will get a pick-me-up.
If you are a righteous man or woman, you are blessed. (And of course, if we are born again, we are righteous). Your descendants will be mighty upon the earth. Wealth and riches are in your house. On and on and on. This is good! Believe it and speak it, and you will receive it.
I like the verse which says, “He will not fear evil tidings; his heart is steadfast trusting in the Lord. His heart is upheld, he will not fear until he looks with satisfaction on his adversaries.” (112:7-8)
Peace pours all over you as you read these verses.
God is good and He is on our side! Always.
I Corinthians 5
Right in the middle of the love letter from Paul, here comes a stern rebuke.
If someone is a Christian and really walking with the Lord, he or she will want to flee from evil. There is no way that a person who is spending time with the Father on a regular basis will want to live a sinful life.
So we come to this special case in Paul’s letter. He recognizes an imposter.
Here is a man having an affair with his father’s wife. (His step-mother). We saw earlier that Corinth was a sinful city and here is our proof. This man thinks that he is okay conducting himself in this manner.
Not so!
Paul goes after this one in a big way. He even “turns him over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh.” (V. 5). Paul uses his ability to “rule” by praying against this man.
Just a note: I wouldn’t try this if I were you. I’m sure that Paul had a special direction from God in this case. We see later in the next letter that the man repented and Paul actually told the people to stop holding this against him. So there was an outcome in mind when he did this.
I once had a woman come to me who was angry at her husband, wanting me to turn him over to Satan as Paul had done. She was furious with me when I wouldn’t do it! (I think she needed a bigger dose of God’s loving, forgiving Spirit).
The main point for us here is to realize that a sinful lifestyle and a God-filled life don’t go together. Any way you cut it, these two don’t coincide.
Our God is a holy God and when we are His temple, we will be holy also. As we really give ourselves to Him and His Word, our desires will even change. We will want to please Him in every respect.
A holy life is what I desire. Don’t you?