Psalm 94-99
“Today if you hear His voice; do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, as in the day of trial in the wilderness, when your fathers tested Him.” (Psalm 95:7-8).
God is speaking to us all the time. Sometimes He speaks through that quiet gentle nudging we know so well. Other times His voice can be stronger – even on rare occasions audible. Yet most of His speaking is through His Word. Day in and day out, as we read the Bible, we know that God is speaking to us.
I like to ask Him to open my eyes to anything He wants me to hear or see as I read my daily passages. Then I want to incorporate the new revelation into my life.
Let Him speak to you personally – right where you are. His Word will lead you little by little. One step at a time.
The main thing is not to ignore it. When the Lord speaks to you, take it seriously. If it’s correction, take it. If it’s a promise, believe it.
Life with the lord can be so exciting if we believe and receive His Word.
Romans 15-16
One of my favorite scriptures to pray over our family and our church is found in chapter 15. “Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus. That you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (15:5).
He wants us to learn to appreciate each other – with our differences and our likenesses. When we are “like-minded” toward each other, we do just that. We realize that we need each other. There are many aspects of God’s plan – with multiple gifts and callings. As we honor the different gifts we become focused on God’s plan and not our own.
And we get along. Instead of bickering over the different gifts, we know that all the gifts are important to God and we salute them. Then we see the many workings of the Kingdom accomplished.
Paul shows his appreciation for those delivering his letter. As he introduces each one, he remarks on their special contribution to him and the gospel. Paul doesn’t see himself as the only important minister on the planet; he honors those who have worked with him.
Paul is a good role model. Let’s salute the many flavors of personalities and gifts which God has designed, and work together to get His plans achieved.