Psalm 57-59
What did David do when he was in trouble? He grabbed his lyre and began to sing. He created songs to God right out of his heart. Sometimes they were praise songs exclusively; sometimes they were songs which poured out his fear or anxiety. Yet every song acknowledged God as his deliverer and provider.
When we read Psalms 57 and 59, they are more meaningful if we consider when they were written. These psalms were written during the time when David was hiding from king Saul. David had already been anointed as the next king, but Saul’s jealous rages had him hunting David to kill him. For eight years, his pursuit was relentless.
When you read Psalm 57 knowing about David’s dilemma, you can understand him better. At this time, the young man was in a cave, hiding. What does he do? He recognizes God’s goodness and his ability.
“I will cry to God Most High, to God who accomplishes all things for me.” (57:2) I have meditated on this verse many times when I needed to see God’s hand in a mighty way. There’s such a peace when we realize that God is working on our behalf.
In Psalm 59, in the same situation, David is surrounded by Saul’s vicious men. Yet David is steadfast: “For God is my stronghold, my God in His lovingkindness will meet me.”(59:10)
The strength David displays is directly tied to his trust in the Lord. Because of that trust, he knows that anything he faces will come out in victory.
Romans 4
Today, one of the most controversial subjects within the ranks of believers is the subject of grace. It was also one of the most controversial during Paul’s time. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that there is error on both sides of the argument.
Romans 4 introduces the crux of the matter. When was Abraham “reckoned as righteous” before God? When he “believed God,” which came before his circumcision. So it wasn’t the law that made Abraham righteous, but his faith.
If Abraham had been justified by his works, then his wage of “righteousness” would be considered his due. Yet God doesn’t owe any of us anything. He freely has given the gift of righteousness – first to Abraham and later to the believers through Jesus.
Now this is the problem which comes up. Sometimes people think that if we are saved by grace then we can live lives of sin and still receive the grace. That’s missing the mark. When we receive Jesus and are born again, our hearts want to live the best life. We want to walk with Him and be like Him – a sinless One. So if we think that sin is “o.k.,” we need to do some heart checking for sure.
On the other extreme is theology which has a long list of rules and regulations, comprising the only way to please God. When such legalism prevails, people are burdened under the law and they don’t have the freedom to walk with the Lord fully. They are always checking their status, afraid to approach Him.
The true liberty God has designed has built-in checks and balances. The major principle is to be in love with Jesus, walking with Him every day. When we spend time with Him and receive his love for us, we become more and more like the Lord. Sin drops off – sometimes because we don’t want it anymore and sometimes because we see error which displeases Him and us. Our desire is to be like Him.
“The more we see Him, the more we love Him” is a line from a current worship song, and it’s so true. As we receive that grace which comes from our Father, we receive His love in an unprecedented way.
Verses 16-21 are life changing verses, if we allow ourselves to “get” what they say. Abraham had received a promise of a child – and waited 25 years before it came to pass. A year before Isaac was born, angels came to Abraham and told him one more time that the child was coming. By this time, Abraham was 99 years old and Sarah was 90, so having a child was impossible.
“Without becoming weak in faith, he contemplated his own body, now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old, and the deadness of Sarah’s womb; yet with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief, but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully assured that what He had promised, He was also able to perform.”(V. 19-21).
He had God-like faith. God, who created the universe out of nothing, could create a baby supernaturally for Abraham, if He said he would. The way God does it that is He “calls into being that which does not exist.” He had told Abraham that he had made Him a father of many nations. His Word was good. That Word spoken by God would create what he said.
So how’s your faith? Check it out. If God told you that He would do something impossible for you, would you believe it? It’s important to answer that question.