I Samuel 22-24
What character we see in David! He is having to spend every day running and hiding from the madman Saul, who is obsessed with jealousy. Yet we don’t see fear on this man of God, but faith.
Just as David had the faith to kill Goliath, he continues to have faith that God will deliver him from Saul. As he darts here and there, changing hiding places, he inquires of God. Okay, God, now what? Then he follows through with obedience. Amazing!
Another amazing moment is when David is hiding in a cave where Saul comes. With his guard down, Saul is easy prey for the younger man. So David secretly cuts off the hem of Saul’s garment to prove that he could have taken the king’s life.
“And it came about afterward that David’s conscience bothered him, because he had cut off the edge of Saul’s robe.”(v.5). Wow! After being chased by the king continuously, David still has honor for Saul’s office. He recognizes the king as “God’s anointed,” and as such, should not “stretch out his hand against him.”(v.6)
Through it all, we see honor, humility, and faith. It must have been hard, but we don’t see whining.
David’s character, which comes from years of worshipping God while out on the hillside tending sheep, shines during this test.
There’s one thing about a trial: it will show your character.
I say, Lord, I want you to develop that character in me. The faith, the honor, the humility, the unflinching trust that your hand is on my life – no matter what!
Luke 12:1-31
Jesus is promoting quiet trust in God as He speaks to the crowds. That trust which comes from keeping our eyes fixed on our Father above and not on the earthly realm.
We live in this world, and need to mind the affairs of our lives, but if we are consumed by earthly pleasures and pursuits, we get into serious trouble.
The rich man, who just built bigger barns for his abundance but wasn’t rich toward God, is a man to be pitied. The key here is that he thought of this world – and only this world. All of his desires and energies were toward riches of this world – a big mistake.
We see this so often today. There are many who spend all of their time and energy seeking material wealth. Houses, travel, luxurious living, and building of their empires are the things which receive their constant devotion. What a pity.
Even a long life is a tiny dot compared to eternity – and we will all live for eternity. To seek only the things of this world is a hindrance in the long run. The attitude that leads to death.
The other side of the same coin is that, if we are those who want to walk with God, we must trust Him for provision. As we continue in our devotion to Him and His Word, we will “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all of these things will be added unto us.” (V.31)
I’m casting away any worry about my provision. I know that my God will supply my needs – and that He will direct my paths into paths of provision. I praise Him for that!
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