Ezekiel 30-32
With colorful language, Ezekiel once more comes against the pride of man.
Why is pride such a horrible thing, you might ask. Remember, it was pride which entered Satan’s heart and caused him to try to overthrow God. Thus, when pride is the root, he is not far away. The devil tries to tempt people to think that they are so great, they don’t really need God.
There are two kinds of confidence. One from the devil and the other from God.
When confidence has devilish roots, people think that they are superior to others and they arrogantly take credit for their gifts. Their intelligence, athleticism, creativity, or beauty are worn as badges for self-exaltation. Those around them sense the weight of their self-centeredness.
When confidence has godly roots, the outcome is totally different. This type of confidence comes, not from pride, but from honor of God. These people who exhibit godly confidence are optimistic and energetic because of their God and all that He has done for them. They know that He is the giver of gifts, whether the gift is intelligence or anything else. God is also the giver of favor and opportunity, paving a way for success. No room for bragging here.
Godly confidence is accompanied by kindness and compassion. People with godly confidence want to see others achieve as much s themselves. They often go out of their way to help others discover and implement their god-given gifts.
There is only One who stands tall among the rest of us. His name is Jesus.
It’s important for us to remember that!
I Peter 4
So you have gifts? Your gifts are for giving!
“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” (V.10).
It’s obvious, isn’t it? Gifts aren’t given to us for displaying, but for giving. If you have a gift to speak, your speech should represent God and bring others closer to Him. If your gift is serving, serve with God’s strength and not your own.
Remember that everything we do is wrapped in the law of love. We love others as ourselves, and we give generously, as our father gives to us.
It’s part of God’s plan. He gives and we do, too.