“And it will come about in the last days that the mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as the chief of the mountains…and the peoples will stream to it. And many nations will come and say, ‘Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of the God of Jacob, that He may teach us His ways.'”(4:1-2)
Right in the middle of this book are these beautiful words which today bring hope to many. We are still expecting the mountain of the house of the Lord to be lifted up above all others. And for people to stream to it.
This reminds me of some very current teaching which is truly incredible.
Several men of God over recent years have had a revelation concerning these mountains.The idea first appeared on the scene in about 1975 when Bill Bright, Loren Cunningham, and Francis Schaeffer called them “molders of culture.” More recently, Lance Wallnau has referred to them as “mountains.” In either case, these men have felt the leading from God to identify seven areas of influence in culture: Family, Education, Business, Arts and Entertainment, Media, Government and Religion.
When you stop and think about it, these different areas have tremendous influence on the thinking of people. Especially on the young. There are many changes which have taken place in the last few decades on world views and morals. Every one of these changes can be traced to one or more of the mountains which have influenced our thinking.
From these men of God, there is a solution. When the mountain of the house of the Lord is raised up above all others, then these other mountains will get more in line with God’s influence. Why? Because every mountain will be invaded with God’s people, bringing their counsel and wisdom to the scene.
That’s what true awakening will look like. No longer will all of God’s passionate people be in ministry (on the mountain of religion), but many of His called out ones will be on the other mountains. God’s plans and purposes will be for all to hear regardless of their place in society.
Think about it for a moment. What if actors, TV anchors, politicians, educators, sports figures, CEO’s, as well as preachers, were sold out to the Lord? What if they all believed in the Bible and wanted to see His Word get into the earth? What a difference that would make!
The many changes in thought – drawing people away from God and His Word – have come about because of non-christians being in positions of authority in those other mountains. What if that were reversed?
That’s what our Father wants. When His mountain is lifted high above the others, it will happen.
So wherever you are placed today, keep your message coming from Him. Not in an obnoxious way, but in a manner of love.
You, too, can be an influencer in the earth. Living for Him. Working for Him.
Revelation 15-16
More end time prophecy. Seven bowls of wrath poured out upon the earth.
It’s important to remember that the wrath of God is sent to awaken the hard-hearted to His power. There are many who doubt God’s power – or even His existence. These negative signs show His power so that He can be worshipped and more people be saved from the eternal wrath.
Yet over and over we see that the people “cursed and blasphemed God” because of the plagues. Their hearts would not turn to Him. They would not repent of their deeds.
As the year draws to an end, we all ought to spend some time with our Father. Let Him shine the light on our innermost being, and let us respond to Him.
If there is a change we need to make, let’s do it. God’s love for us is overwhelming when we receive it, so let’s receive it and live for Him.