Triumphant Faith Never Quits

Triumphant Faith Never Quits

You and I need triumphant faith.


All of life is in a state of flux.

Now you may think that I am talking about the current state of affairs. The virus. The discontent. The political divisions.

No. I am talking about all of life.

All of it.

From the time we are born until we die, we are going through changes. As we mature and have families, engage in careers, develop friends, we are continually encountering opportunities – and challenges.

That’s life. Everyone has challenges which need prayer and they need faith to overcome them.

Then we ask, “Is this supposed to be? What’s going on? And if it isn’t God’s will for my life, how can I change it?”

That’s when we go to that miraculous book, the Word of God, the Bible. We find out what His will is and how we can overcome. He gives us instruction.

Then we pray to Him and we speak that word – His word – into the atmosphere.

And continue to do that.

You know that

faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ (Romans 10:17 NASB)

So as we pray and meditate on what God is telling us, our hearts begin to grow in that faith. We continue to speak that word, and we find ourselves believing it more and more as we go along.

Time goes by. It takes time.


We want everything done instantly. We want to snap our fingers or find out a few words which can be spoken for instantaneous reward.

But we all know that life isn’t that way.

Just as Oaks start out as tiny acorns and eventually reach their destiny, so do we, our children, our health, our marriages, and our finances.

And so does our faith within us start as a tiny seed and grow to maturity.

A few year ago I had an experience with the Lord which I’d like to share. I had been fasting, praying, and reading the word.

I was reading in Matthew 13, when my eyes fell on verse 44:

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has, and buys that field. (Matthew 13:44, NASB)

That verse is very familiar, and there have been many concepts drawn from it. I had always thought of a pot of gold,  or treasure chest, hidden in the middle of the field.

On that special day I saw something different. Quickly a picture flashed across my mind, like a mini-vision.

I saw a plot of land, freshly plowed and planted, with rows and rows of dirt. Since I lived in a farming community, the scene was very familiar. There was no green anywhere; only rows and rows of slightly mounded dirt, signifying that the seed had been put into the ground.

It was planted, but there wasn’t a sprig of green in sight.

Suddenly I knew what the Lord was saying. I had been praying for my children, as they were going through some challenges.

He was showing me that the treasure is the seed – the Word of God. When I was taking the word of God and planting it into the soil of my heart, and then speaking it out in prayer, I was burying treasure in my field – and it was hidden.

As I saw this picture, with no sight of green – only fresh dirt, I knew that the seeds which were planted would eventually spring forth into a luscious, green crop.

In the same way, as I planted and watered the seed of God’s word, there would eventually be a harvest.

So what about the “selling all that he has?” The Lord showed me that when you are in the midst of praying for something which needs to be changed, you will see plenty of evidence which could discourage you.

Until the change comes (the seed begins to produce), the circumstances will scream at you that nothing is happening.  There is no seed; there is only dirt!!

But because of your faith in what your God is doing, you sell those thoughts- totally tossing them aside – and buy the planted field, knowing that the seed of God’s word is producing the desired result.

There is a process which takes time, and that is why patience is so important. If you give up in the middle of the process, you will never see the desired result. You have to hang in there and be patient, knowing that God is at work on your behalf.

Through faith and patience, you inherit the promises.

And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence so as to realize the full assurance of hope until the end, so that you will not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. (Hebrews 6:11-12 NASB)

So let me challenge you to look at those things for which you are praying.

Are you praying for health, family, finances, a co-worker, the awakening of the church in America and around the world?

Whatever you have on your heart to pray for, you will have many opportunities to give up. You will look around and it will look like nothing is happening. You will feel like you are wasting your time.

But don’t give up! Promise yourself and God that you will not quit, but that you will see this thing through. You will continue to look to Him and His word, and you will continue to pray it back to Him and to speak it into the atmosphere.

So be encouraged. Know that God watches over His word to perform it.

He will bring forth His word in your life as you bring it forth in  your heart and tongue. If many of us will rise up and do the same, we can see great changes come to our families, our communities, our country, and even our world.

Never, never, never quit!

Three Success Tips From a Cowbird

Three Success Tips From a Cowbird

Or, this article could be titled Three Ways Not to Fail Like a Cowbird.

My husband took this picture in our backyard yesterday. {You know, he’s the one who takes all the bird pictures you see on my sites).

Well, if you’ll notice, the tiny little Brown-Headed Sparrow is feeding the huge juvenile Cowbird. It’s a funny sight, for sure, and makes you wonder why.

Unless you know about Cowbirds.

You see, when a mother Cowbird has an egg to lay, she refuses to take responsibility. So she finds another bird nest – with eggs in it, and lays her egg there. Sometimes, she even knocks an egg out of the nest to make room for hers.

But then she’s off – to no telling where. Free from any responsibility.

In the meantime, the surrogate mother sits on this egg, hatches it, and feeds the young bird until it’s ready to fend for itself.  The baby Cowbird thinks that this is her mother.

Thus, this amazing photo.

When I look at this, I  see an analogy to our online businesses, and I think about the lessons available. Truly we don’t want to live the unfruitful life of a Cowbird, so what can we learn?

Tip #1: Take Responsibility

When we start our online businesses, we usually know very little. We have to learn the tricks. How do we set up our sites, write blog posts, line up our email accounts, and get traffic? And so forth.

There’s a lot to learn, for sure. And it’s easy to stay in that “I just need to learn one more thing” mode.

So we can buy shiny object after shiny object, and listen to webinar after webinar, without ever grabbing the reins of our own business and taking charge.

We somehow are expecting someone else to do it for us.

If we learn enough, it might just happen.

But that’s not how it works.

For us to succeed online – or in any endeavor – we have to take charge of our own business. We own it. We put the training together in our minds as to what will help us fulfill our mission.

We are the captains of our ship. We take responsibility.

When that day comes – the day we take responsibility – things change. We still need to learn and to network, but we have confidence that our own business is going to make it.

And that’s when it begins to happen.

Tip #2  Follow Through

This is a big one.

The Cowbird does come up with the idea of laying the egg, but that’s the end of what she does.

If we want to be successful, we have to follow through with our plans – and not desert them.

Over the time that I have been online, I have seen many deserted plans.

When this first happened, I was shocked. I had just started my business and signed up for a challenge. The leader had lots of promises to us. Well one by one, she dropped the promises. She promised to send her book, and it never came. She promised to participate in a podcast, and didn’t.

The trust element was smashed, and I didn’t do business with that person for a couple of years.

Later I learned that this lady was going through some serious health issues at the time. If only she had explained somewhat, I would have understood. But her actions just led me to believe that she was unreliable.

Since that time, I have encountered many others change plans and redirect their missions. That happens in a growing business.

When those leaders have explained and offered an alternative for what I had expected, their trust level actually increased.

I knew that they were aware of their promises and trying to fulfill them even as they changed directions.

One more importance of following through is that without this practice, you will leave unfinished work. And unfinished work never hits your target.

Unfinished business can never brings results.

So we come to…

Tip #3   Enjoy the Fruits of Your Labor

When you look at the little Sparrow feeding the Cowbird, you can’t help but think of how the real mother is missing out.

After building the nest and sitting on the eggs all of that time, the mother must feel some satisfaction in seeing the offspring develop into an adult.

Certainly, when you have developed an online business which helps others, you must feel some satisfaction in what you are doing. And you should.

A successful online business is one facet of a happy, productive life. Even more success will come your way when you find a plan that you enjoy in a niche you love.

As you develop your plans and bring value to your niche,  you will be amazed at how your business unfolds. Because of your sincere interest in your people and your niche, doors will open and networks will form. Sometimes almost effortlessly.

As you enjoy what you are doing, greater levels of success are easier to achieve.

You remember the saying

When you  love what you do, you never work a day in your life      -Steve Jobs

I have to add: honestly,

When you love what you do, it sometimes seems like work, but your satisfaction will far outweigh the negative…

So there you have them. Three tips from a Cowbird.

Take Responsibility, Follow Through, and Enjoy What You Do.

If you take these three guidelines and run with them, you are headed for a successful endeavor.

Let’s do this!



Is It a Shiny Object or Is It a Tool?

Is It a Shiny Object or Is It a Tool?

Introducing the World’s Greatest Bundle

Sometimes the internet business can seem overwhelming. We look for answers online, and we make a purchase of training or software, because we think that this is our answer. They promise us that it is.

But it isn’t.

So we look for another answer.

If we aren’t careful, we can jump from one promise to another and never make it happen.

That’s what is referred to as the “Shiny Object Syndrome.”

The truth is that some of those “Shiny Objects” do work, but they are part of the whole – and not the complete package.

That’s why I like the Big Picture approach.

Think about a spy movie you might have seen. Back in the headquarters, surrounded by a sci-fi version of computer screens, the experts are doing a search. They are looking for a couple of bad guys who are hiding in a tent in a north African desert.

They start focusing satellites toward the general area until they spot something which might be their target. So they zoom and zoom until they clearly see these people along with their cohorts, their tents, trucks, and ammunition. Zoom a little more, and the faces become clear.

The big picture first and then detail, and your plans begin to work.

That’s why it’s important to have a vision in mind. What do you want to accomplish? Who is your audience? How will you make money?

When these big picture foundations are laid, then the pieces begin to fit. Like a big puzzle.

Using another example…

When you dump out the pieces of a 1000 piece puzzle and pick up one piece, you have no idea where this piece might fit. But you look at the picture on the box. You lay your border pieces, and you begin comparing each piece to the picture. Bit by bit, you will be able to put it all together.

It’s similar with your internet business.

You will begin to understand why you need a website, and how to maximize its impact.

Why you need an email list.

Why you need to connect with others.

Why you need social media.

Why you need SEO.

And you will continue to grow in your ability to apply these pieces.

Your bottom line will also grow. Your bottom line and your influence.

Let me encourage you to spend some time really honing in on your vision of where you are going and what you want to do. Make it clear. Get pictures in your mind. Write the vision. Set up a vision board.

Then it will be easier to see what to do next.

Then you will be ready for the pieces of training to help you reach your goal.

Those important trainings will be tools and not shiny objects.

Now I want to make sure that you know about some excellent tools which are available this week only.

This week only, Dan Morris and Rachel Martin are offering their once-a-year Bundle of experts from around the world. It’s called BCStack 2020 and it’s famous as the biggest bundle ever. 65 collaborators from all over the world bring their trainings and products. Thousands of dollars worth for one small fee.

You will have 60 days to access the products. You can save them to your computer and use them as you are ready for each phase.

Dan and Rachel also have a Facebook group set up so that you can ask questions. They will be happy to share what would work best for each particular phase of your business. Just ask them.

This bundle would be too much for anyone to use immediately. But once you download the trainings, they are yours forever. You can pull them out to use whenever you are ready.

Be sure to check this bundle out HERE.

Remember, don’t let these be shiny objects which would take you on a tangent. Let them be a collection of tools for use over a period of time. You will be glad you have them available.