Read The Bible, November 5

Jeremiah 34-36   

The kings are no longer appointed by God. The king of Egypt came, deposed the king, and made Eliakim king over Judah, renaming him Jehoiakim. (II Chronicles  36:3-4) Needless to say, they didn’t pick a holy man to reign. So Jeremiah’s words mean nothing to him.

Since Jeremiah is no longer allowed in the temple, he tries to get his message to the leadership some other way. First he brings in some nomads who live in the area. They are true to their traditions as presented to them by their fathers. They don’t drink wine and they never build houses, but live in tents. Those ancestral traditions are obeyed to the letter.

Jeremiah uses these people as representatives of those who follow the leading of their fathers, in contrast to the Jews who don’t. He sends these people with that word to the leaders. To no avail.

Then the prophet calls Baruch the scribe to him. He dictates all of the words which God has spoken to him – from the beginning. Baruch writes them on a scroll, and takes them to the temple. As he reads them, some of the leaders feel compelled to take the messages to the king. Again to no avail.

The king, appointed by Egypt, burns the scrolls and tries to find Baruch and Jeremiah.

It’s ironic how evil tries to silence the messenger. As if the truth won’t be the truth when it’s not being spoken.

On his 95th birthday, Billy Graham aired on TV what he calls his final message: the message of the cross. The message of hope for all mankind.

This sweet, holy man, who reminds everyone of God’s forgiveness awaiting them, speaks very plainly. He said, “The cross confronts, and sometimes makes them hostile.” The reason? “It doesn’t suggest, but it commands that people receive it and change their lifestyles.” Those who don’t want to change, fight against the message ,and they fight against the messenger.

It was the same in the days of Jeremiah. Those who didn’t want to hear what God was saying would try to stop the message. But they couldn’t.

The truth is the truth. Eventually everyone will know it, but for some it will be too late.

That’s the way it was in the days of Jeremiah. That’s the way it is today.


Even though slavery was a common practice in the early days of the church, it’s easy to see God’s attitude toward it here.

Paul is appealing to Philemon to accept Onesimus, his former slave, as a brother in Christ. He has come to the Lord under Paul’s ministry while in prison. Onesimus is being sent back, to fulfill the law of the land, but Paul’s appeal is for pardon and freedom.

This is such a good picture of the way God works in our hearts. Our works are no longer under the law, but they are fruits emanating from spirits loyal to our God.

When we become new creatures, our hearts are sensitive to what our Father wants. No longer are we compelled, but we are led, to do what is right toward our brothers and sisters.

The urgings of the Spirit should be our guide. God’s Word in accordance with these leadings bring us to a higher level than any law – whether an earthly one or the God-ordained Old Testament law.

It’s always a higher standard, but one we embrace willingly when we allow our Father to work within our hearts.

A better covenant and a better way of life.

Read The Bible, November 3-4

Jeremiah 30-33

Do you need encouragement today? Then these words will speak to you. On one level, the words are God’s words to the nation of Israel, but on another level they are for the church today. In fact, the Lord makes it clear that He is speaking about our dispensation.

We start off these chapters with Jeremiah imprisoned because the king doesn’t like what he is saying. Zedekiah wants to shut him up! The Babylonian army is surrounding Jerusalem, ready to wind up this long-awaited war, and the king and his cohorts are still in denial.

As for Jeremiah, he keeps on prophesying. God tells him to speak and he obeys.

The character of our God is so clear as we see what Jeremiah says. The prophecies concerning their transportation to Babylon are coming into fruition immediately, yet before they even leave, the Lord is bringing words of hope.

The Lord promises that He will eventually bring his people, the Jews, back to their own land and bless them once again. They must stay in Babylon for the seventy appointed years, but after that time, He will cause them to return.

But it’s even better than that, and here’s where we come in. Jeremiah begins to speak of a new day and a new covenant.

No longer will the law be a thing apart from the people, but it will be written on their hearts. “I will put My law within them, and on their hearts I will write it; and I will be their God and they will be My people.” (31:33) Oh boy! He is talking about you and me – those of us who are born again with His Spirit within us. Then He says, “And they shall be My people, and I will be their God. And I will give them one heart and one way that they may fear Me always, for their own good, and the good of their children after them.”(32:38-39)

We are living in that glorious day. Indeed after 70 years the Lord caused a remnant to return and to rebuild Jerusalem. Yet the promise was for more than that. The promise was for the day when Jesus would come and fulfill His mission. The new King would be the King of all the earth – not just Israel.

So these words are being fulfilled. And there is even more to come, so we need to be observant of the times and seasons of God.

Let’s keep our eyes open. We have a terrific future ahead. God’s Word is true and it will come to pass!

Titus 3

We were saved, “not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing by the Holy Spirit.” (V. 5)

We don’t and couldn’t deserve our salvation. It’s totally according to the mercy of our great Father, who poured his love out for us.

So we receive it – that’s all. We allow our precious Holy Spirit to wash over us, and allow His word to refresh and instruct us. That’s what we do.

And just as a healthy plant can’t help but bear fruit, so we can’t help but do His will in our lives. We share about Him, because it bubbles out of us. We give, because it’s our new nature. We love, because He first loved us.

Fruit that remains. That’s what I want!

Read The Bible, November 2

Jeremiah 27-29

The Lord of Hosts shows up in Israel. The Hebrew words for the Lord of Hosts are Jehovah Tsaba, and when He shows up, big things happen.

He is seen sometimes in scripture as the Captain of the Hosts, and He is leading hosts of angels to do the will of the Lord. When the children of Israel were led out of Egypt and into the Promised land, it was Jehovah Tsaba who directed the moves and caused the great demonstrations of God’s power.

Now here He is again. Israel has turned against God to the point where some elite members have already been carried off to Babylon. Yet there is still false word coming from the prophets saying that they will be returned in two years.

Jeremiah speaks words to the king, the elders, and the priests. Then he sends letters to the elders in exile. God will no longer relent. The Jews who are in captivity should build, plant, and settle, because they will be there for a long time. The Jews in Israel (really Judah) should get ready, because they are about to be taken to Babylon. There is no longer a second or third chance.

Of course, I don’t mean that Jehovah Tsaba is another God, but this is a different manifestation of the one true God. He is the warring God who forces his will to be done in the earth at the proper time.

There are many Hebrew names for God in the Old Testament, distinguishing His many characteristics. There is Jehovah Shalom, the God our peace; Jehovah Rapha, the God our healer; Jehovah Jireh, the God our provider, and others. It’s the same God, of course, but with many attributes. each name distinguishing the attribute which is being manifested at the moment.

So when Jehovah Tsaba shows up, the manifestation is the Lord of Angelic Hosts, and He is about to do something big.

Jehovah Tsaba could be the name used when the angels announced to the shepherds the birth of our Savior. Or during all of the demonstrations surrounding His death, burial, and resurrection.

There are many unfulfilled prophecies concerning the end times, and there are many prophecies coming forth that will require Jehovah Tsaba to show up again.

In our modern world, there are many – even believers who don’t believe in great manifestations from our God, but they are going to be in for a surprise. He is still a miracle working God, and when the time comes for Him to act, he isn’t shy about doing it! After all, He is the Creator of all things and the world belongs to Him. He will eventually take it back!

Whew! It gives me chills even thinking about it!

Titus 2

In the meantime, we are to live our lives above reproach in this world so that the gospel will not be maligned.

We are not to be argumentative or gossips or enslaved to wine, but to live honorable lives.

Paul goes on to say that we are to be patient, knowing that God’s glory will be revealed, and we are to be his witnesses. Our Father has purified us for His possession – and we will show His glory in the earth.

Fathers and mothers are to share with younger people what they know about God, and they are to exhort others to follow suit.

I want to be an instrument of God’s glory – shining for all to see His goodness.