by Suellen | Uncategorized
Amos 5-9
God’s presence is glorious, and it will prevail.
But let’s back up. Both the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel were prosperous during Amos’s ministry. However, the prosperity was leading to more and more materialism, immorality, and injustice – especially in the north. In fact, the prosperity led many to believe that they just couldn’t be overthrown.
When everything is going well in the life of an individual or in a country, most can’t imagine that it would ever be different. An arrogance can set in to make some think that they are impervious to hard times. That’s where Jeroboam II and his northern kingdom were while Amos was bringing his message. They couldn’t imagine anything but prosperity.
Just three decades later, however, the Assyrians invaded and ended their false assumptions. They just wouldn’t listen to the prophets.
As with most of the prophets, however, Amos ends on a beautiful note. In fact, he has some insight which will help the new believers in Jesus centuries later. “In that day I will raise up the fallen tabernacle of David and wall up its breaches…That they may possess the remnant of Edom and all the nations who are called by My name.”(9:11-12).
So what is he saying? The tabernacle of Moses had three parts to it: the outer court, the inner court, and the holy of holies with the ark of the covenant – which only the priest could go into once a year. And this is not the tabernacle which would be raised up again.
The tabernacle of David was a simple one. No outer or inner court. Only the holy of holies – the ark of the covenant under a tent. With continual incense and music, praisers were assigned to worship continually – 24/7. It represented the presence of God which would be available to all people on the earth, and not just the priests.
This presence of God would be what would make all nations of the earth come to know Jesus. No longer would there be this argument and that argument concerning the nature of God, but people would come to know Him by His presence in their midst.
In Acts 15, the elders of the church gathered for a major discussion concerning the gentiles. Paul and Barnabas had been preaching the gospel to the gentiles, and the gentiles has been coming to the Lord. But there were some Jews who wanted everyone to be circumcised according to the Jewish custom. So the council met to discuss what should be done.
As they met, James stood up and quoted from Amos. (Acts 15:16-17). The tabernacle of David (God’s presence) would be restored that all the gentiles who are called by His name should seek the Lord and find Him. Obviously, the Father was endorsing the gentiles seeking the Lord. (This is a case of the meaning of scripture being revealed to the spirit-filled believers by the Holy Spirit).
Jesus said that only those whom the Father would draw would be His. (John 6:44) That’s what we see here. The presence of God, as demonstrated by the holy of holies in David’s simple tabernacle, was a type for the drawing of God’s people from every nation and every tongue to worship Him. The curtain which separated the holy of holies in the temple would be ripped from top to bottom when Jesus died on the cross (Matthew 27:51), and God’s presence would be for all to experience.
God’s presence and His love were not just for the priest. Not just for the Jews. His presence and His love were for all mankind who would believe in Him. The meaning of these scriptures written by Amos was revealed by the Holy Spirit to James and the elders.
For all of us who are not from Israeli heritage, these scriptures are really significant. God’s love is for me – and you!!
Revelation 9 – 11
Three more trumpets. The fifth and sixth trumpets blast and initiate more tribulation in the earth. Locusts, horses, and angels carrying out the judgment of God. Torment and death. But the people “did not repent of their murders nor of their sorceries nor of their immorality nor of their thefts.” (9:21)
Many of the images from Revelation are seen also in the book Zechariah. The two “olive trees” or anointed ones, who stand beside the Lord, representing Him in the earth. They are also called the two witnesses. If you have seen the movie “Left Behind,” you have seen these as two very prophetic looking men who prophesy doom on the earth.
Personally, I am not sure that these are actual men. I think that they are the Bible and the Holy Spirit of God – the two witnesses of Him in the earth. You can already see the attempt to put to death these representatives. Many want to mock and discredit God’s Word in order to live their ungodly lives with zeal. And they mock those who have a relationship with God’s Holy Spirit.
In either case, when the two witnesses seem to be dead, many in the world will rejoice. Yet God’s plan will prevail.
There is resurrection and there is life! “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.” (11: 15) Whew! I love it!
God Almighty has taken His great power and He has begun to reign. And the time came for the dead to be judged and for His reward to be given to those who “fear His name, from the small to the great.”(11:18)
God’s Word is true and it is powerful. Whether we believe it or not, His Word will eventually come to pass. His covenant will move forward and His “wrap up” will take place.
His kingdom is here now and He reigns in the hearts of those who believe. Eventually His kingdom will be all that remains.
My prayer is for a great awakening to take place in our world, so that many will come to know Him and choose to live forever with their God. I hope that you will join me in that prayer.
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Amos 1-4
Amos is an example of the Lord using a simple man to further his cause. Amos was not a priest or a prophet. He was a shepherd whom God called to be a prophet.
Much of what he says is right in line with what the other prophets have spoken. The people of Israel can never say that they weren’t warned. Time and again, the Lord raised up men to warn the people of their wrong doing. But they just wouldn’t listen.
In these first four chapters of the book Amos makes some statements which have been often quoted.
One of these is “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?”(3:3) We see the wisdom of that statement often when people are attempting to accomplish the plans of God. Many churches have the problem of several people trying to pull in different directions. That can be devastating to the plan of God, because strife always ensues when people are in that mode. Strife and a huge standstill. It’s impossible to move forward when many are trying to go different ways.
The second famous verse is another one we should take to heart. “Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.” (3:7) When big moves of God are about to take place, there will be many who hear from God concerning the moves beforehand. It’s one reason it’s so important to listen to prophets. They can hear and bring insight to others concerning the future.
Sometimes these words are warnings; sometimes they are words of encouragement. In either case, the words from God will protect us and keep us on the right path.
As we move along with the Lord, He will bring correction to the church. Suddenly new revelation will spring forth. Words which have never been noticed will suddenly be brought to light. Those who want to be on God’s cutting edge will truly benefit from such revelation. They will adjust and flow with the Father’s plans rather than pull against them.
You may be thinking that you aren’t in the elite class of ministers who hear dramatic things from the Lord. If you think that, you’re wrong. Neither was Amos, but He heard and reported what He heard, bringing a blessing to all of us.
So watch and listen to see what the Lord might be showing you. As you read the Word, He will speak to you also.
Hold on to what He says to you.
Revelation 8
In this chapter, we see a day of judgment which is coming on the world. Fire sent to the earth and seas, turning them into bitter waters which will kill the creatures within.
As we read these chapters, it seems scary to many. But it should not be frightening to those who are the Lord’s people. The last days and the final “wrap up” are God’s final dealings with Satan and his followers. As we proceed into the next chapters, we will get a more complete understanding of Satan and his history. We will also get a more complete understanding of God’s plans to take care of him for good.
One thing is for sure. God is the Almighty, great God, and Satan is a fallen angel. He has caused a lot of trouble, but Satan is no match for God.
Satan’s power is only in his ability to confuse men and cause them to turn away from God. He puts thoughts in the minds of men which cause them to turn from God. He will often call good evil and evil good.
Our present cultural environment shouts to us, attempting to get people to question God and to turn away from Him. There is no question that Satan is behind much of the confusion and perversion of God’s plan.
That’s why it’s so important for us to stay focused on God’s Word and for us to continue in locked step with Him.
God’s Word is true. His way is right. Hang in there, knowing that you can’t go wrong if you stick with God Almighty!
by Suellen | Project 2013: Read The Bible
Regeneration, restitution, and beyond! The book of Joel brings us to such a tremendous understanding of God’s blessing which we can live in today, if we so choose.
After a call for the nation of Israel to repent, he speaks of a day when the blessings will flow upon God’s people. They will have everything restored to them. “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten. The crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust.” (2:28)
Then our Father, speaking through Joel, goes on to the promise of our Christian experience.
“And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. Your old men shall dream dreams. Your young men shall see visions.” (2:28) These verses were those used by Peter to explain to the Jews what had happened when they first began praying in tongues. These prophesies had come to pass.
“And in that day, the mountains shall drip with new wine, the hills shall flow with milk, and all of the brooks of Judah shall be flooded with water. A fountain shall flow from the house of the Lord to water the Valley of Acacias.” (3:18)
We are living in that day. The day of restoration. The day of God’s Spirit and His blessing flowing out upon us. And it’s a wonderful place to be.
Oswald Chambers once said, “The miracle of God’s grace is that He can make the past as though it had never been.”(2:24).
Do you have moments of your past which weigh you down? Sorrow, regret, and bitterness can all come from considering the past over and over.
Okay, we all have things from our past which we would like to change; but we can’t! What’s done is done, so we have to move ahead.
If we will receive our Father’s merciful forgiveness and healing balm for all the hurts of the past, we will enter a new realm. We get to start over, drop off the burden of our mistakes, and pains, and vigorously pursue the life He has planned for us.
No wonder we want to praise Him! Our Father’s blessings for us are more abundant than we can ever know.
We just believe, receive, and walk in His purpose. Free from guilt and shame.
Revelation 5-7
As we go about our daily lives, sometimes we lose sight of life’s bigger picture. We get so caught up in the natural elements around us, we don’t even think about the spiritual world and all that it involves.
Yet our ignorance and our apathy don’t stop the reality of God’s big plans going forth. And these big plans are executed from His headquarters in heaven. The throne room.
Revelation gets us focused on some of these weightier things. While we are partaking of the rich imagery supplied in the book, we need to remember that so much of it is symbolic of extremely significant spiritual truths.
God has provided John with complicated dreamlike visions of heaven and all that it contains. He sees the throne and all of the elders and angels praising God continually. There is tremendous anticipation in heaven as all are looking for the important operations of God on earth to be revealed.
As we look at the prophetic visions, we need to let God show us what He wants us to see in them. There is much to see, and there are many different emphases which people make as they read.
End time prophecy is revealed. There are secrets which could not be unveiled until the perfect One appeared on the scene. After Jesus paid the price and returned to heaven, He was the One who could open the seals and reveal the mysteries. Thus He opens the book and begins to break the seals so that the future may be told.
Throughout Revelation we will see significant numbers. One of those is the number seven. Seven represents the completeness or wholeness of something. Seven seals, seven trumpets, seven churches, seven lampstands, and seven candlesticks. What is being said is pretty complete, wouldn’t you say?
As you read, pray and ask God to tell you what He wants you to know about this prophetic book.
As we continue to read, we should be encouraged. We win in the end. God wins, and there will be a finality to the suffering the enemy has bought on the earth.
Praise God for that!