by Suellen | Uncategorized
Even a surface reading of the Bible shows us that faith is important in prayer. Jesus marveled at the great faith of the Roman centurion who came to Him (Matthew 8:10), and rebuked His disciples when they showed lack of faith (Matthew 17:17).
In Mark 5:25-34 a woman who had suffered with a “hemorrhage” for twelve years, touched Jesus and received her healing. Jesus said, “Your faith has made you well.” When the Syrophoenician woman asked for the Lord to heal her daughter, Jesus said, “O woman, your faith is great, be it done to you as you wish.” (Matthew 15:28).
Okay, we could go on with examples of faith’s importance all day long, so we know that we need faith. But the question is, “How do we get it?”
by Suellen | Uncategorized
I hope that you have been following the posts. If you have, you might have wondered why, when we said that we were going to be talking about prayer, we have been seemingly talking about everything else.
But hold on. We have a plan. We are laying a sure foundation for a prayer life that will literally change the world around us. For us to be certain about our prayers, we have to establish three things. We have to know Jesus as our Lord, we have to have faith in God’s love for us, and we have to believe in the Bible. (more…)
by Suellen | Uncategorized
In January 1981 I had a life-changing experience. It had been two years since I had committed my life to the Lord and I had spent a lot of time praying and reading the Bible. After an evening of reading, I had barely drifted off to sleep when the Holy Spirit jolted me back to consciousness. At the time, Iranian rebels had overthrown the American Embassy there and were holding many Americans hostage. For more than a year these people had been held captive and our government seemed unable to secure their release.
That winter night the Holy Spirit spoke with almost an audible voice: “What if you could send a coded message to the hostages in Iran-a message containing a perfect plan of escape? The plan would be understood by the captives, but the guards wouldn’t be able to decipher the code.” (more…)