Have You Checked Your Faith Lately?

Have You Checked Your Faith Lately?

Have you wondered why God chose Abraham?

We know that God chose Abraham to be the father of the Jews, the people who would eventually bring forth Jesus. But why was he so special? What was there about Abraham that made God choose him?

Something set him apart from others of his day. What was it? (more…)

Let’s Get the Big Picture!

Let’s Get the Big Picture!

Today we are moving into deeper water. The discussion today is one of the most important ones we will cover.

There are so many people who want God involved in their lives, but they don’t know how to get Him involved. They pray “help” or “why me” prayers, or they just copy someone else, but they don’t understand how God designed His plan of prayer.

So let’s start with the big picture.


Do You Want To Hear God Speak?

Do You Want To Hear God Speak?

cardinal -male.2-600jpgAs Jesus taught His disciples, He often used parables or comparisons so that people could “get the picture.” Remember the saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words?”Well, last post we talked about Jesus comparing the Word of God to seed planted in the heart. Today, we want to present another picture. Throughout the Bible God’s Word is referred to as “water.”

When we get this picture, we will learn one of God’s most important concepts. There are lots of scriptures which we could use, but let’s focus on two. Isaiah 55: 10-11 speaks of God’s Word as rain and snow. It comes down from heaven causing the earth to bear and sprout. (Or causing your life to bear and sprout). But why does it say “rain and snow?” Why not just “rain?”

This part is important!

If we look at Psalm 147: 15-20, (NASB) we will get it. (more…)