by Suellen | Successful Living
I can remember, as a child at my piano recital, waiting for my performance to come up on the program. I would sit, supposedly listening to the others, but totally distracted from music being presented. I was waiting for “my time” to come. That’s what I was there for. And when our group went back stage as “our time” got closer, it would have taken the National Guard to keep us from running and playing as we waited. We were waiting for “our time.”
I’m sure that many who played sports would have similar recollections. We were there to do our part. Of course, we pulled for the team, but we wanted our part.
As children we longed to be in the game… but what happened to us? Maybe put-downs or discouragements, maybe setting goals so high only supermen could have accomplished them, but for some reason, as adults we are different. (more…)
by Suellen | Missions
I love Wednesday nights at church. It seems that almost every week when the time rolls around, I feel too tired to go – but I go anyway. And every week I leave with more energy than when I came.
Last night was no different.
We had several missionaries present, and they really inspired me. One of the speakers was a young man who has been called to evangelize Spain. It would be easy to pooh-pooh such an assignment, since such western nations are tons of fun to visit. Yet visiting the nation and evangelizing the nation are two different things, and the latter is hard!
Across Spain, there are many who know abut Jesus, but relatively few who truly know Him as their Savior. They are often religious, but seldom born again – and that makes it harder then usual to reveal the truth of the Gospel. Yet, through the leading of the Holy Spirit, this young man and his family are impacting the entire nation for Jesus – especially among the youth. (more…)
by Suellen | Modern Day Generals

Book Signing (Southaven)
Where do I start?
My husband and I have known Clay and Susan Nash for many years – and their friendship has been invaluable. They ministered at the church we founded in North Mississippi and we have had the opportunity to minister at their church. They have been mentors, but much more. They have been true friends.
I don’t know anyone who has been busier than Clay and Susan, but they always have time for a word, a prayer, or some much-needed advice. Like I said, true friends.
So what keeps them so busy?
First and foremost, they stay busy stewarding City Gate Southaven, the remarkable church they founded in this Memphis suburb. From there they have raised up a healthy, spirit filled group who minister – not only to the surrounding area, but also to the territory and to the nation through his affiliation with Dutch Sheets and NEI. He frequently speaks in conferences – and leads prayer initiatives throughout the nation.