What Are Your Angels Doing?

What Are Your Angels Doing?

What Are Your Angels Doing?

Mom! Dad!  I’m scared! Our 4 year old son had jumped out of bed and run into our room.

You see, we were in a season of transition, and were temporarily living in a rental house near some railroad tracks. Every night a train passed through.

Our son was afraid that a man was riding on top of the train and would jump off and come into his window.

His active little mind had clearly embellished this picture, and he was quite shaken.

So we prayed, and I helped him get back to sleep.

The next morning, he excitedly surprised us as he said, “I’m not going to be afraid of the train anymore.”


And then the real surprise…

”Three tall shiny men came into my room last night and told me not to be afraid. So I’m not afraid anymore.”

And he wasn’t. Ever again.

Only three tall, shiny angels could have accomplished such a feat. Their presence instilled faith and not fear, totally obliterating the anxiety of a four year old.

Over the years I have had many other encounters with angels. Sometimes they appeared as people. Other times I saw nothing but the effects of their presence.

But they were real, and the proof was in the results when they showed up.

Each time, after the instance, we would say, “That had to be an angel.”

Yet though I have been aware of angels, I have never taught about them – or written about them.

One reason is that we are not to worship angels. They are part of God’s great kingdom, but only our triune God is to be worshiped. Sometimes people get into error by seeking angels, when they need to seek Jesus and His Holy Spirit.

But recently I felt a nudge from Holy Spirit to share some thoughts about angels.

Of course, it’s clear from reading the Bible that angels are busy among us.

The Hebrew word for angel appears in the Old testament 214 times. The Greek word for angel appears in the New Testament 186 times. That’s a total of 400 times.

Obviously our Father wants us to know about them.

Hebrews 1:14 says that angels are ministering spirits (servants) who come to the aid of God’s people. And Paul later remarks that we should show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so, some have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. (Hebrews 13:2)

Interesting, isn’t it?

So why do we need to know anything about angels?

First, when we are going through difficult situations, it builds our faith to realize that God has His troops working on our behalf. Protecting us. Guarding us.

In II Kings 6:15 Elisha’s servant arose before the prophet, and discovered that the city was surrounded by enemy armies. Horses and chariots were all around them.

Frightened, he ran to tell his boss: They were in big trouble.

But he was in for a surprise.

Elisha said, Don’t be afraid. More are those with us  than those with them… Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.

Then to the servant’s amazement, his eyes were opened to see into the spiritual world –  and what a sight!

Horses and chariots of fire covered the hills all around Elisha.

Needless to say, the prophet and his servant won the battle – even though there were only two people. They were assisted by an angelic host.

And then there is a second reason to be aware of angels, which seems more important.

We, as Christians, can actually be involved in commissioning them.

That’s what we especially need to learn about.

Psalm 103:20 says Praise the Lord, you His angels, mighty in strength, who perform His Word, obeying the voice of His Word. (NASB)

The angels perform the voice of God’s Word. And what gives it the voice?

We do.

When we speak God’s Word in faith, the angels stand to attention and get to work performing that Word.

All of the spirit realm obeys the voice of God’s Word. Angels and demons alike.

Remember how Jesus addressed Satan while being tempted in the wilderness. (Luke 4:1). Again and again, His response to the temptation was ­­It is written…and He quoted scripture.

God’s Word was the reply He gave to the devil…who finally had to flee for a time. Demons – as well as angels – obey God’s spoken Word. When it is spoken in faith.

Even though we knew this, and had operated in it on occasion, my husband had an experience some years ago which has stayed with us.

A number of years ago, as one of our teenage daughters was going through a rough spot, we were praying – and worrying.

You know, the kind of prayer when it’s as if you are trying to row a boat without your “oar in the water.” We were going through motions, but there was not much faith involved.

We were mostly worrying.

Suddenly my husband had a vision. He saw what looked like an ice hockey arena. And all of the players were in the penalty box. None of them were on the rink playing the game.

He quickly realized that those figures crowded in the box were angels and all of them were looking at him. As if to say, Say the Word

My husband stopped wringing his hands and started speaking God’s Word concerning our children. Immediately, he saw the angels leave the penalty box and get to work.

He had commissioned the angels by speaking God’s Word.

Very soon the issue with our daughter was resolved.

When we look at the Bible and at the many examples of angels in action, we realize how significant they are in our lives. They are working on our behalf as we go about our daily routines.

And when we face difficulties, we can speak the Word of God, and angels will come to our rescue.

So back to my original question: what are your angels doing?

If you are facing a difficult time, let me challenge you to find the scripture concerning your problem. Then begin to speak that word.

It’s an exciting life we live when we live it with our God – and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

He will give us wisdom so that we can live our best life. And the hosts of heaven will be working to perform God’s purposes for us.




Wisdom From a Trailblazer

Wisdom From a Trailblazer

Do you get inspired by trailblazers as much as I do?

When I encounter someone who has heard from God and pushed through the brush, making a way for others, I always stand in awe. You know that it takes courage – ignoring the nay-sayers and the obstacles which arise. It also takes dedication, determination, and good old fashioned hard work.

A few years ago, I had the privilege of spending a good deal of time with a trailblazer – and his wife, who is one also.. He has shared some advice for the rest of us, so I thought I would share it also.

1. Be ready for the work involved.

As my husband and I sat in the den of Bishop Hardy Coleman and his wife, I asked, “What advice would you give to younger ministers who really want to make a difference?” Mother Ann, as she is lovingly called, was the first to answer. “They see the glory, but they don’t know the story,” she quickly quipped.

God’s Will: Just Ask Him

God’s Will: Just Ask Him

As I talk to people who are going through tough times, one of the primary problems they face is confusion. Why is this happening? And what can I do about it?

When we are under pressure, it’s hard to think clearly. Our thoughts become cloudy as we deal with the emotions of the moment.

But there are a couple of verses nearly hidden in the 5th chapter of I John which start to push back those clouds. As we ponder those verses, we remember that God is on our side – and He answers our prayers.

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us – whatever we ask – we know that we have what we asked of Him.I John 5:14

When I see that verse, I want to meditate on it – let its meaning saturate me.

If what we are praying is God’s will, and if we know that it is His will, then we will have that for which we pray. We’ll have faith in what we are praying and we’ll have whatever we ask.

So then next question, how do we know God’s will?

Simply put, God’s will is His Word. His will is wrapped up in the fact that Jesus came to earth and died for our sins. Then He rose again and sent His Holy Spirit to live in our hearts and restore us to the blessings He had ordained for us. Peace in our families, provision, health – all the blessings we see enumerated in scripture.

So we approach our Handbook – the Words ordained by our Creator to tell us who He is and who we are – the Book otherwise known as the Bible. Then we ask for guidance in finding just that part of His Word which applies to our present moment.

Then we pray. And we know that He hears us and answers our prayer.

To illustrate, I want to tell you about a young man who did just what we are talking about.

This young man’s country had been invaded by a brutal army. He had been captured – along with all of his relatives – and taken into a far country. The times were tough, but he knew his God and remained faithful to Him.

He prayed everyday – and he lived a holy life – even though mean spirited, unholy people were all around him.

Have you guessed by now who I’m talking about? I’m talking about Daniel who had been taken to Babylon.

We can read his story in the Book of Daniel.

After he was taken captive, many years passed, and then…

As Daniel was reading the “Books,” the Holy scrolls which eventually became part of the Bible, he saw where God had spoken to Jeremiah. God had said that the Jews would be in Babylon 70 years, and then He would bring them back to their country.

Daniel sat up straight. 70 years were almost passed. God had revealed the timing, and it was almost time for the Jews to be sent back home.

Daniel began to fast and pray. He knew God’s will because he had seen it in the scriptures. (Jeremiah 29:10) So he prayed for God to send them home just as He had promised. Daniel had great faith for this to happen because He had seen clearly that this was God’s plan. God’s will.

When Daniel prayed this prayer, Darius was king of Babylon. Yet shortly after, Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon and became its king. Then God began to speak to this unbeliever named Cyrus. And Cyrus started the process of sending Jews back to rebuild the ruins of their beloved country. To restore the temple and the walls of Jerusalem. (See Ezra 1:1)

Daniel prayed for God’s Word to come to pass and it did!

What would you have done? Would you have prayed for the fulfillment of God’s Word, or would you have just sat around moping and wishing God would do what he said?

Many today are doing the latter.

But there are those who are rising up. They are not settling for status quo, but they are digging into God’s Word and they are praying it back to God. And these people are seeing many miracles.

Isaiah gave us an illustration of this.

Isaiah 55:10,11    For as the rain and snow come down from heaven, ­­And do not return there without watering the earth, And making it bear and sprout, And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater,

So shall My Word be which goes forth from My mouth. It shall not return to Me empty Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.

His Word shall not return to Him empty – without accomplishing what He sent it for. And how does it return to Him? When you pray God’s Word back to Him – asking for its fulfillment – you are returning it to Him.

Your prayers help to accomplish God’s will in your life.

That’s what Daniel did.

Now what do you do? What do I do?

Let’s find those words our Father has spoken to us, and ask for their fulfillment. When we do that, we are agreeing with God’s will and we will see the results.

When we know that we are praying God’s will, we have faith for it, and we receive what we pray.

Enough for today, we’ll talk more about this next time.

In the meantime,

Keep on Soaring,