David has to be one of the most remarkable personalities of the Bible. We know him as the great king of Israel during some of it’s most glorious days. Yet he didn’t start out as an heir to the throne. In fact he started as a most unlikely candidate.
The full story surrounding David’s early years and his choice as king may be found in I Samuel 16. In the first verse we see God speaking to Samuel, the prophet, who is mourning over the fact that Saul had sinned and was rejected by God for continuing his kingship. God prods to Samuel to stop mourning and get on with His next choice – to go to Bethlehem and anoint “one of Jesse’s sons” to be the next king.
We would probably be just like Samuel if we were called to this mission. We judge by our senses – by what our eyes see and ears hear. So when Samuel arrived at the city, with anointing oil in hand, he called for Jesse and his sons to come to the sacrifice he was performing. As the oldest son arrived, Samuel was certain that this was the one God had chosen. He was tall, handsome, and looked very kingly. However, God spoke a stunning word, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
After all of the sons have been rejected by God, Samuel asks Jesse, “Are all the young men here?” And Jesse replies, “There remains yet the youngest, and there he is, keeping the sheep.” Samuel then sent for David, and the Lord said, “Arise, anoint him; for this is the one.”
Now think about this scenario. Think of all of the rich, intelligent, good-looking, well dressed guys God could have chosen to be king of Israel. Surely that’s who He would choose! But He didn’t, and as always, God had great purpose in his choice. He chose a young shepherd boy, who was handsome and intelligent, but so unlikely for the job that when Jesse was supposed to bring all of his sons, he didn’t even think about bringing David. He was just a boy who stayed with the sheep. Nobody thought about him, but God. God seems to love going to the unlikely candidates who nobody notices.
The search, however, wasn’t just for someone whom no one noticed. God saw David’s heart. While he was alone out in the field, with no one even paying attention to him, David was worshiping His Creator. He was playing praise songs on his harp, and saturating himself with the beauty of nature which surrounded him. The young boy also was very diligent in fulfilling his duty to protect the sheep. Later in Samuel, we discover that at different times, a lion and a bear had attacked the sheep. Yet David had been able to chase the predators, kill them, and deliver his flock. His bravery had come from his trust in God’s strength and protection.
Now, centuries later, God is still looking for the David-type heart. The David-type heart is one that, first of all, praises God and trusts in Him. If you want to get a clearer picture check out the Psalms. Most of those were written by David – and many of them speak of the beauty of creation, the greatness of our God, and the trust David has for God’s protection, deliverance,and provision. Then the David-type heart is one that is diligent. He perseveres in his duty, faithful to fulfill his mission – even if it seems small and insignificant. Thirdly, the David-type heart is brave, not cowardly. When obstacles presented themselves, he plowed through the barriers with faith that God was on his side – and God was on his side. Again and again he had the victory.
So you may think that you are insignificant and that no one is noticing you. Well, I promise you that God is noticing. He knows your thoughts, your desires, and your attitudes. He wants to show Himself strong on your behalf, if your heart is right. If you have David’s heart, you have a promising future. Just keep praising God, maintain your diligence, and be brave in the causes He brings your way. In time, you will see God’s plan for you unfolding. There is no greater joy than that which comes from being in God’s perfect will.
II Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to His.
You can be a recipient of this benefit. As you pray, ask God to help you have a heart toward Him – loyal, full of praise, and brave. You won’t be disappointed.
Forever Upward!