You and I need triumphant faith.


All of life is in a state of flux.

Now you may think that I am talking about the current state of affairs. The virus. The discontent. The political divisions.

No. I am talking about all of life.

All of it.

From the time we are born until we die, we are going through changes. As we mature and have families, engage in careers, develop friends, we are continually encountering opportunities – and challenges.

That’s life. Everyone has challenges which need prayer and they need faith to overcome them.

Then we ask, “Is this supposed to be? What’s going on? And if it isn’t God’s will for my life, how can I change it?”

That’s when we go to that miraculous book, the Word of God, the Bible. We find out what His will is and how we can overcome. He gives us instruction.

Then we pray to Him and we speak that word – His word – into the atmosphere.

And continue to do that.

You know that

faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ (Romans 10:17 NASB)

So as we pray and meditate on what God is telling us, our hearts begin to grow in that faith. We continue to speak that word, and we find ourselves believing it more and more as we go along.

Time goes by. It takes time.


We want everything done instantly. We want to snap our fingers or find out a few words which can be spoken for instantaneous reward.

But we all know that life isn’t that way.

Just as Oaks start out as tiny acorns and eventually reach their destiny, so do we, our children, our health, our marriages, and our finances.

And so does our faith within us start as a tiny seed and grow to maturity.

A few year ago I had an experience with the Lord which I’d like to share. I had been fasting, praying, and reading the word.

I was reading in Matthew 13, when my eyes fell on verse 44:

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has, and buys that field. (Matthew 13:44, NASB)

That verse is very familiar, and there have been many concepts drawn from it. I had always thought of a pot of gold,  or treasure chest, hidden in the middle of the field.

On that special day I saw something different. Quickly a picture flashed across my mind, like a mini-vision.

I saw a plot of land, freshly plowed and planted, with rows and rows of dirt. Since I lived in a farming community, the scene was very familiar. There was no green anywhere; only rows and rows of slightly mounded dirt, signifying that the seed had been put into the ground.

It was planted, but there wasn’t a sprig of green in sight.

Suddenly I knew what the Lord was saying. I had been praying for my children, as they were going through some challenges.

He was showing me that the treasure is the seed – the Word of God. When I was taking the word of God and planting it into the soil of my heart, and then speaking it out in prayer, I was burying treasure in my field – and it was hidden.

As I saw this picture, with no sight of green – only fresh dirt, I knew that the seeds which were planted would eventually spring forth into a luscious, green crop.

In the same way, as I planted and watered the seed of God’s word, there would eventually be a harvest.

So what about the “selling all that he has?” The Lord showed me that when you are in the midst of praying for something which needs to be changed, you will see plenty of evidence which could discourage you.

Until the change comes (the seed begins to produce), the circumstances will scream at you that nothing is happening.  There is no seed; there is only dirt!!

But because of your faith in what your God is doing, you sell those thoughts- totally tossing them aside – and buy the planted field, knowing that the seed of God’s word is producing the desired result.

There is a process which takes time, and that is why patience is so important. If you give up in the middle of the process, you will never see the desired result. You have to hang in there and be patient, knowing that God is at work on your behalf.

Through faith and patience, you inherit the promises.

And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence so as to realize the full assurance of hope until the end, so that you will not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. (Hebrews 6:11-12 NASB)

So let me challenge you to look at those things for which you are praying.

Are you praying for health, family, finances, a co-worker, the awakening of the church in America and around the world?

Whatever you have on your heart to pray for, you will have many opportunities to give up. You will look around and it will look like nothing is happening. You will feel like you are wasting your time.

But don’t give up! Promise yourself and God that you will not quit, but that you will see this thing through. You will continue to look to Him and His word, and you will continue to pray it back to Him and to speak it into the atmosphere.

So be encouraged. Know that God watches over His word to perform it.

He will bring forth His word in your life as you bring it forth in  your heart and tongue. If many of us will rise up and do the same, we can see great changes come to our families, our communities, our country, and even our world.

Never, never, never quit!