In honor of Black History Month, I would like to share with you an excerpt.
“The air seemed to be filled with electricity as we stepped over the mosaic tile crosses on the floor of the foyer and entered the huge sanctuary. We walked down the carpeted aisle of the splendid room and chose some seats close to the front – not wanting to miss anything. As we slipped into the padded chairs and settled ourselves in, we glanced around. There was elegance everywhere.
Of course, there was the elegance of the building itself, with every detail carefully planned. From the lighting, to the expansive stage with its beautifully designed pulpit chairs, to the podium from which would be released powerful messages, to every detail, excellence prevailed.
What was most impressive, however, was the elegance of the people. Fine suits, dresses, hats, jewelry, and radiant faces were everywhere. Anticipation was in the air.
This event was for all ages – from the elderly to tiny children. Little girls with immaculately braided hair, and little boys with their pint-sized ties seemed right at home as they chased each other between the pews. Mothers and fathers snapped their fingers, bringing correction and order. As the boys would tuck their shirts back in, and the girls would straighten their hair bows, these younger ones would nestle into their seats to await their favorite part: the energetic praise which was soon to come.
This was indeed a family affair. Generations, as a matter of fact. There were grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, all dedicated to a life of living for the Lord. These were those who truly knew their God, and it showed. It was clear that all ages honored this event as significant. They had come to worship God, and to grow in their understanding of His Word. His blessing upon these families was evident.
The convention of the Global Pacific Diocese of the Church of the Living God was about to begin. The band struck its first chords, the choir stood up, and exuberant praise filled the room. My eyes welled with tears as I joined in the singing. Magnificent music. Magnificent praise being lifted up to God. What an experience!
Many churches had come together for this occasion, but there was one leader of them all, Bishop Hardy Lee Coleman, Sr. My mind wandered, realizing that every single person in this room – and many more rooms, for that matter, had been directly influenced by this one man. Quite a few of these people were his relatives – generations who were raised up to know and honor Jesus. There were many other families, of course, but they all had this one thing in common. Bishop Coleman had touched their lives significantly.
How does one man come to have so much impact on others? What does he possess that equips him for such great influence? What does he do that causes that influence? What can others learn from this great man which will help them to have more productive lives for the Lord?”
This quote is from the introduction of my book, Extraordinary: The Remarkable Life of Bishop Hardy Lee Coleman, Sr.
As I was researching and writing the book, I was able to spend hours of time with Bishop and Mother Ann. He represented the best of God’s Leaders in every aspect of his life.
Bishop Coleman was a role model for thousands across America. He proved what could be achieved through dedication and faith in God. He was a testimony to the power of his motto, “Some people like to watch things happen. I like to make things happen.”
This Extraordinary Man did, indeed, make many things happen.
Forever Upward!