Isaiah 53-55
Isaiah 53 is one of the most important chapters in the Bible. It’s the chapter telling about the coming Messiah – Jesus.
If you spend some time in these verses, you will begin to understand more completely the power of the cross.
Jesus took our place. We deserved to be eternally separated from God, because of our sin nature. But our God wouldn’t stop His plan with the sin of Adam. Instead He sent His own Son to bear the penalty we should have borne – and He exchanged what we deserved for what Jesus deserved.
Our Father took our griefs, our sorrows, our transgressions, and our iniquities, and gave them all to Jesus to bear on the cross. He paid the debt we owed, and gave us His righteousness instead.
It’s such a tremendous mystery, it takes a lifetime to understand it all. Our God loves us that much! He would stop at nothing to bring us back to Him.
When we receive all that Jesus paid the price for, we receive healing – of our emotions and our physical illnesses. We also receive freedom from grief and sorrows.
Through the power of the blood of Jesus and of His Spirit living within us, we have the ability to overcome any hurts which may have come our way. Miracle after miracle are awaiting us, if we believe.
The great and the strong will be able to share in all that Jesus did. Strong in our own strength? No way! His strength comes from His Spirit abiding within us.
It’s there for us, if we will just take it!
II Thessalonians 1
Grace and peace to you! That goes for those of us who believe in this day, as well as in the days of the Thessalonians.
They were going through tremendous persecution, but God was faithful to them to encourage them in the midst of their trials.
Patience and faith were being exhibited among the people, and God was pleased with that.
One thing is for sure. Our God is a just God, and there will be great reward for those of us who remain faithful, even through hardship.
Paul prays that “they may be found worthy of the call of God upon their lives, and that God may fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power.” (V. 11)
I pray that for you also. May God fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power in your life also.
There is no tribulation or hardship in the world which can stop the flow of God’s goodness to those who truly believe Him.
May we truly believe!